Please enjoy ONAC’s quarterly newsletter, which includes news, events, publications, and recent activity of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC).
Autism Meetings & Events
January 2024 IACC Meeting
The January Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) meeting will be a hybrid event and will be held on January 24, 2024. The Committee will hear updates from the National Autism Coordinator and Federal Interagency Workgroup on Autism (FIWA), discuss committee business, and hear public comments. The meeting will also feature a panel presentation on interactions between autistic individuals and the law enforcement and justice systems.
October IACC Full Committee Meeting
The October IACC Full Committee meeting was held on October 11, 2023. The Committee discussed upcoming IACC publications, federal agency updates, and the topic of mental health for individuals on the autism spectrum.
ASF 2024 Day of Learning
Autism Science Foundation will be hosting their 11th Annual Day of Learning in New York City on April 4, 2024. The agenda will focus on needs and advances in clinical research on autism.
Stanford Neurodiversity Summit
Stanford University held its 4th Annual Virtual Neurodiversity Summit from October 1 to 3, 2023. The theme was "Working Together to Strengthen the Neurodiverse Community." Keynotes included presentations on neurodiversity at work, mental health, education, and human rights, as well as a presentation from National Autism Coordinator, Dr. Susan Daniels, “Federal Efforts to Strengthen the Neurodiverse Community.” Dr. Daniels also hosted a breakout session with neurodivergent members of the IACC, Ms. Dena Gassner, Dr. Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, Ms. Ivanova Smith, Dr. Jenny Mai Phan, and Ms. Lindsey Nebeker to highlight recent work of the IACC.
Independent Analysis of the Comprehensive Autism Care Demonstration Program: Meeting 2
The National Academies’ committee conducting an Independent Analysis of Department of Defense’s Autism Care Demonstration (ACD) Program held a public workshop and a brief public committee session on January 11-12, 2024. The committee is conducting a consensus study to review data and research on autism, applied behavior analysis (ABA) services, and the ACD to determine its effectiveness and develop recommendations for the Secretary of Defense based on such analysis. The workshop examined what is known about ABAs and assessment methods in the treatment of autism.
CMS Provides Critical Tools to Help Improve Access for Millions who Receive HCBS
On December 12, the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) highlighted the Biden administration’s historic investments in home- and community-based services (HCBS) and the direct service workforce through the American Rescue plan. The tools include information for states on how to build and maintain worker registries that make qualified health workers easier to find, so more individuals receiving Medicaid-covered services can receive care in a setting of their choice.
A Proclamation on International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 2023
On December 1, President Joseph R. Biden issued a proclamation to recognize the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, recommitting his Administration to building a world where disabled people everywhere are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve and are afforded an equal shot at achieving their dreams.
2022 Report to Congress
In November, HHS released the 2022 HHS Report to Congress on Supportive Services for Individuals with Autism. The report, requested by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations in House Report 117-96, describes supportive services that, in addition to healthcare, may be beneficial for improving outcomes for autistic individuals and their families. It also identifies current federal activities and programs in these areas and opportunities for strengthening services. The report was prepared by the National Autism Coordinator/ONAC, on behalf of the office of the HHS Secretary with contributions from 20 federal departments and agencies.
2022 Summary of Advances
The 2022 IACC Summary of Advances in Autism Research provides short, plain language summaries of the top 20 advances in autism biomedical and services research selected by members of the IACC. In addition, the IACC has released an accompanying easy-read version that summarizes the full publication in a briefer, more accessible format. The 20 studies selected for 2022 highlight potential ways to improve early screening and diagnosis of autism, including through the use of telehealth, and insight into brain differences that may contribute to autism and impact social communication, language development, and sensory processing. The studies also improve our understanding of disparities between autistic adults from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. The report was prepared by ONAC on behalf of the IACC.
Solicitations and Community Participation Opportunities |
Request for Public Comments on Co-Occurring Conditions in Autism
ONAC has launched a new request for public comments on behalf of the IACC on physical and mental health conditions, and other related conditions that commonly co-occur with autism. The IACC is seeking public comments on the impact of these co-occurring conditions, as well as research, services, and policy needs that may be helpful to consider in addressing issues related to these conditions. The deadline for submitting a comment is Feb. 14, 2024.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Topical PCORI Funding Announcement -- Cycle 1 2024
This opportunity aims to fund research studies of the comparative effectiveness of interventions encountered by individuals of all ages with IDD, with a special interest in the areas of sleep health, Down syndrome and improving care delivery with a focus on ableism. The goal is to increase evidence that addresses meaningful decisional dilemmas faced by patients, clinicians, and members of the broader health and healthcare community when seeking and obtaining health care and to improve patient-centered outcomes.