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Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC)
Autism Research Database
Project Element Element Description

Project Title

Project Title

Facing Your Fears: Supporting Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disablities

Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator

Blakeley-Smith, Audrey



Adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID) are a complex and under-served population. They are at risk for developing significant anxiety that adversely impacts participation in home, school, and community. Anxiety may contribute to social isolation, place adolescents at risk for further mental health concerns and problem behavior, and lead to more restricted school and living situations. While many families seek assistance from their teen’s school and community mental health providers, few are prepared to treat anxiety in this complex population. We will be creating a program entitled Facing Your Fears: Adolescents with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities (FYF:AAID) which will be one of the first to date to explore the efficacy of a family focused, group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment for an adolescent ASD and ID population. This pilot study will have two major aims: (1) To obtain feedback from key stakeholders on the specific modifications made to our evidenced based program Facing Your Fears to best treat an adolescent ASD and ID population, and (2) to conduct a pilot study of FYF-AAID, assess the treatment’s acceptability and feasibility, and impact on family functioning. Hypothesized outcomes include reductions in teen anxiety in addition to functional outcomes for adolescents (such as increased engagement in activities, broader social experiences) and their families (improved quality of life).



Organization for Autism Research

Funding Country

Funding Country

United States

Fiscal Year Funding

Fiscal Year Funding


Current Award Period

Current Award Period


Strategic Plan Question

Strategic Plan Question

Question 6: How Can We Meet the Needs of People with ASD as They Progress into and through Adulthood?

Funder’s Project Link

Funder’s Project Link

External Project Page Go to website disclaimer



University of Colorado Denver

Institute Location

Institute Location

United States

Project Number

Project Number

Government or Private

Government or Private


History/Related Projects

History/Related Projects


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