This reflects the portion of a LEND training grant devoted to evaluating the use of two screeners for ASD. The UAB LEND has been utilizing two screening tools, the MCHAT and CSBS-ITC, in the clinical intake process for all children referred for evaluation under the age of 4 years. Trainees and faculty score and utilize screener results to determine need for ASD-specific evaluation and rule-out. Faculty and trainees are also collating data on how these screening results relate to subsequent clinical diagnosis in terms of ASD symptoms and other developmental measures. Primary research emphasis is whether the screening tools can be used as specified or in other manners to differentiate children in need of ASD-specific evaluation from children at high-risk for other developmental disabilities. LEND funding supports trainees and faculty in learning to use, score, and interpret screening measures along with other available clinical information as well as in the data management and analysis of collated screener results. Data from this project have been presented at IMFAR and APA and several manuscripts are in preparation.