Purpose: The project addresses Focus Area B: preparing fully credentialed personnel at the Master’s level to serve students with low-incidence disabilities, including students with Traumatic Brain Injury and students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) with persistent and severe learning and behavioral problems that need the most intensive individualized supports. This 36-hour, online Master’s degree program will prepare personnel to by utilizing the knowledge domain framework of the project, which is anchored in the CEC Advanced Preparation Standards, the CEC Transition Specialist Standards, Evidence-Based Practices, Predictors of In-and Post-School Success, College and Career-Readiness Standards, and 21st Century Skills.
Method: Coursework will include 12, three-credit online courses with field-based assignments, supervised internships, and a capstone project. Combining program performance and outcome evaluation, we intend to measure the growth and development of students from admission through to entry into employment and beyond. We incorporate quantitative and qualitative measures (GPRA and OSEP reporting) to evaluate acquisition of knowledge and skills, adequacy of curriculum and online instructional delivery, and student impact on students through graduation follow-up. Formative evaluation data will aid continuous assessment and program adjustments as needed. Summative data will be aimed at broader questions regarding the efficacy of the overall program.