Resurgence is the recurrence of previously reinforced responding when current responding is no longer reinforced and it occurs frequently when treating the problem behaviior of persons with ASDs. Resurgence potentially is related to clinical relapse, perhaps especially when reinforcement of alternative behavior is the primary treatment (e.g., Functional Communication Training). This study evaluated whether increasing the size of the operant response class – increasing the variety of reinforced “appropriate” responses – would affect the resurgence of previously reinforced response that had been targeted for reduction. One participant has completed the study to date: there was a longer latency to and a lower magnitude of resurgence when multiple distinct responses recently had been reinforced. Presented SEABA 2014, BABAT 2014.
In the new phase of the study we are evaluating effects of training schedule on resurgence. We are comparing effects of training the communication responses sequentially vs. varying the training conditions in rapid alternation. This may allow us to provide more specific guidance to practitioners.