Purpose: Our project addresses a chronic personnel shortage in Minnesota by supporting 32 scholars to become fully licensed special educators through the University of St. Thomas autism preparation program. Our project specifically targets recruitment within the Somali community as nearly one in three American-Somalis are in Minnesota. We will recruit, prepare, support, and work to retain effective educators. Scholars will complete 1-2 years of coursework based on state licensure competencies aligned to Council for Exceptional Children standards and specialty sets for developmental disabilities and autism. Coursework is derived from scientifically based research and experience to be successful in educating students with autism.
Method: Coursework includes foundational education courses, special education courses, autism specific courses, fieldwork, and clinical experiences. Our project provides scholars with a mentor and induction support. Not only will scholars meet the licensure competencies necessary to improve outcomes for students, they gain additional expertise through a conceptual framework that promotes competencies to address unique needs within our state. This includes autism and coexisting significant intellectual disabilities, culturally diversity, English language learners, new immigrants, mental health concerns, and behavioral challenges. Our evaluation processes, will provide both formative and summative data to evaluate scholar acquisition of competencies using both qualitative and quantitative methods.