Autism CARES Act
The appointment process for members of the IACC is in its final stage and the committee will reconvene in summer 2021. The new Committee members will be announced once appointments are finalized along with the date of the first meeting, which will be held in a virtual format. For the latest updates on the IACC and federal agency activities related to autism, please see the IACC website at https://iacc.hhs.gov.
A Proclamation on World Autism Awareness Day, 2021
In his World Autism Awareness Day message, President Joseph R. Biden celebrates the contributions of people on the autism spectrum and recommits to providing them and their families with the investment, support, and care they need to live independently, fully participate in their communities, and live fulfilling lives of dignity and opportunity
Addressing the Needs of the Autism Community During COVID-19
In Dr. Joshua Gordon’s April National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Director’s Message, he discusses the needs of the autism community during the COVID-19 pandemic and strategies to foster resilience and promote health in the midst of these challenging times.
An Afternoon of Comedy with Asperger’s Are Us
The NIMH Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC) hosted a virtual special event in honor of Autism Awareness Month featuring Asperger’s Are Us, the first comedy troupe composed entirely of people diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (autism).
INSAR 2021 Annual Meeting
The International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) will be hosting their 20th annual meeting in May. This year’s meeting will be held virtually and will include presentations from prominent autism researchers from all over the world.
8th Annual Day of Learning
The Autism Science Foundation’s Annual Day of Learning featured six 15-minute presentations on critical issues in the autism community. This year’s event was free and held virtually.
HHS to Expand Access to COVID-19 Vaccines for Older Adults and People with Disabilities
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Administration for Community Living (ACL) are partnering to increase access to the COVID-19 vaccine among older adults and people with disabilities. Through the partnership, the agencies will provide nearly $100 million in grants to every state and territory. The grants will help fund services and supports that are needed to overcome barriers to getting vaccinated.
OSEP Releases Fast Facts on Asian, Hispanic and/or Latino Children with Disabilities
The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services released two infographics on Asian and Hispanic and/or Latino children with disabilities in the U.S. The fast facts include specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, autism, and more. This follows the fast facts on American Indian or Alaskan Native children and Black or African American children that were released in the fall.
2017-2018 IACC Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Portfolio Analysis Report
The 2017-2018 IACC ASD Research Portfolio Analysis Report represents the tenth and eleventh years of data collected and the eighth comprehensive report of U.S. ASD research funding across both federal agencies and private organizations. It includes analysis of progress made in funding research that address the Objectives of the 2016-2017 IACC Strategic Plan. The report also includes a new analysis of research on racial and ethnic disparities in ASD. The project data used in the report has been added to the Autism Research Database.
Department Submits the 42nd Annual Report to Congress on Nation’s Progress Related to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
The U.S. Department of Education released the 42nd annual report on the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to Congress in January. The report summarizes the progress in providing a free and appropriate education to children with disabilities, ensuring the rights of these children, assisting states and localities in providing education, and assessing the effectiveness of special education programs and services. The report shows that over 6.3 million children from the ages of 6 to 21 were served under the IDEA in 2018. 10.5% of those children were reported as having autism.