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photos of IACC meetings

Annual Observances


Colorful hands raised in the air
World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated on April 2nd, and fosters global awareness and support for autistic individuals and their families. National Autism Acceptance Month represents an opportunity to promote autism awareness and autism acceptance and to recognize both the contributions and needs of autistic individuals and their families.

July 26th

Americans with Disabilities Act 34th Anniversary
July 26, 2024 is the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA was signed into law on July 26, 1990 and prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities.

September 26th

Rehabilitation (Rehab) Act of 1973
September 26, 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehab Act). The Rehab Act prohibits federal agencies and programs receiving federal funding from discriminating against qualified individuals on the basis of disability.


National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) celebrates the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities past and present and showcases supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices.


National Family Caregiver Month
During National Family Caregivers Month we recognize the important contributions that parents, siblings, and other family caregivers make to provide their loved ones with disabilities with acceptance, support, care, resources, and a sense of belonging in their families and their communities.

December 3rd

International Day of Persons with Disabilities
The International Day of Persons With Disabilities took place on December 3, 2023. This day celebrates disability inclusion, which is essential for promoting the rights and dignity of people with disabilities.

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