Transition Aged Youth Webinar Series
Transportation and Mobility Options to Support Postschool Transition for Youth with Autism

Topic | Topic Description |
Date: | Tuesday, February 11, 2020 |
Time: | 3:00 p.m. EST |
Description: | The webinar is intended to help users leverage mobility resources and develop connections with transportation providers and services. The webinar is sponsored by the National Autism Coordinator and the Office of Autism Research Coordination, National Institute of Mental Health. |
Registration: | Registration is not necessary. The meeting is free and open to the public. |
Webinar Series: | Transition Aged Youth on the Autism Spectrum |
Recorded Webinar
- Full Slide Set (PDF 39 MB)
Pending 508 Compliance
Austin Carr
Self-Advocate, Boston, MA
Austin lives in the Boston area and has been actively engaged as a self-advocate with many disability organizations for the last several years, particularly with the Easter Seals Youth Leadership Network group and with PYD as an intern, party planning committee member, and youth participant. Austin hosts a weekly radio podcast at Perkins School for the Blind. Austin has cerebral palsy.
Danielle Nelson, MPH
Senior Program Analyst, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration
Danielle Nelson works at the Federal Transit Administration - one of nine modes at the U.S. Department of Transportation - in the office of rural and targeted programs. Before joining FTA, she worked at the Administration for Community Living at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Judy L. Shanley, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President, Education & Youth Transition, Easterseals Director, National Center for Mobility Management
Judy Shanley, Ph.D., is the Asst. Vice President, Education & Youth Transition at the National office of Easterseals in Chicago. She also serves as the Easterseals Director, of the National Center for Mobility Management, funded by the Federal Transit Administration. Judy has over thirty years of experience at Federal and national levels in education, human services, and technical assistance.
Genelle C. Thomas, M.A.
Director of National Initiatives, Partners for Youth with Disabilities

Genelle Thomas, Director of National Initiatives, is passionate about empowering organizations to become inclusive environments that support youth of all abilities to reach their full potential. She has over 18 years of experience in non-profit management, including at the executive and board levels. She has authored/co-authored, “Best Practices for Mentoring Youth with Disabilities,” “National Implications for Mentoring Youth with Disabilities,” and “Expanding Access and Inclusion for Youth with Disabilities: An Inclusion Guide for America’s Youth Programs.” She presents at regional and national conferences and facilitates the inclusion education and training of youth organizations nationwide. She is the co-chair of the Leadership and Mentoring Task Force for the Global Partnership for Children with Disabilities. She holds a B.A. in psychology and M.A. in Educational Psychology from University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Graduate Certificate in Non-Profit Management from Harvard University. She has received several awards for professional and community leadership including “Women of Influence” (2011) and “40 Under 40” (2012) from the Jacksonville Business Journal (Florida).