IACC Services Workshop: Enhancing Supports for People with Autism and Their Families: Community Integration and the Changing Delivery System - September 15, 2011

Topic | Topic Description |
Date: | Thursday, September 15, 2011 |
Time: | 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern time (ET) |
Agenda: | The workshop will focus discussion in a public forum innovative and best practices that are being developed and implemented around the country to address the services needs of people with autism and other disabilities and to help them integrate into their communities. |
Place: | The Bethesda Marriott 5151 Pooks Hill Road Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Map and Directions ![]() |
Conference Call Access: | Dial: (888) 390-1050 Access code: 1840636 |
Materials: | Meeting materials |
Cost: | The meeting is free and open to the public. |
Pre-Registration: | Pre-registration is strongly recommended, but PRE-REGISTRATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A SEAT. Seating is first come, first served, with expedited check-in for those pre-registered. Seating is limited to room capacity. |
Access: | On-site parking available with validation |
Contact Person: | Ms. Lina Perez Office of Autism Research Coordination National Institute of Mental Health, NIH 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 8185A Rockville, Maryland 20892-9669 Phone: 301-443-6040 Email: IACCPublicInquiries@mail.nih.gov |
Please Note: | This workshop will also be open to the public through a conference call. Members of the public who participate using the conference call phone number will be able to listen to the discussion but will not be heard. If you experience any technical problems with the conference call, please e-mail IACCTechSupport@acclaroresearch.com or call the IACC Technical Support Help Line at 443-680-0098. Individuals who participate in person or by using these electronic services and who need special assistance, such as captioning of the conference call or other reasonable accommodations, should submit a request to the Contact Person listed on this notice at least 7 days prior to the meeting. As a part of security procedures, attendees should be prepared to present a photo ID at the meeting registration desk during the check-in process. Pre-registration is recommended. Seating will be limited to the room capacity and seats will be on a first come, first served basis, with expedited check-in for those who are pre-registered. Please note: Online pre-registration will close by 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. After that time, registration will have to be done onsite the day of the meeting. Schedule for meeting is subject to change. |
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Time | Event |
8:30 a.m. | Welcome and Introductions Ellen W. Blackwell, MSW Social Worker/Health Insurance Specialist, Division of Community and Institutional Services, Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Co-Chair, IACC Services Subcommittee Lee Grossman President and CEO, Advance Enterprises, LLC Co-Chair, IACC Services Subcommittee |
8:45 a.m. | Self Determination as a Guiding Principle for Services for People with Disabilities Brian Abery, PhD Coordinator of School-Age Services, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota |
9:15 a.m. | Safe and Supportive Environments for People with Autism George Braddock President, Creative Housing Solutions, LLC |
9:45 a.m. | Criminal Justice Diversion of People with Disabilities Daniel Abreu, MS, CRC, LMHC Senior Project Associate, Policy Research Associates, Inc. Associate Director, The SAMHSA National GAINS Center Taunton, Massachusetts Community Crisis Intervention Team: Steven L. Turner, MS Chairman of the Adult and Youth Taunton Community Crisis Intervention Teams Community Police Officer, Taunton Police Department, City of Taunton Department of Human Services Bill McAndrew, MA Consultant, Community Partnerships, Inc. Site Administrator/Adjunct Faculty, Anna Maria College Keith Bourdon, MA, LSW Probation Officer, Probation Department, Taunton District Court |
10:45 a.m. | Break |
11:00 a.m. | Home and Community-Based Services: Federal Precepts and the State Delivery System Ellen W. Blackwell, MSW Social Worker/Health Insurance Specialist, Division of Community and Institutional Services, Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Co-Chair, IACC Services Subcommittee C. Lee Price, MS Director, Office of Developmental Services, Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Cindy Gwinn Community Resource Manager, Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialties, Office of Developmental Services, Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services |
11:45 a.m. | Lunch |
1:00 p.m. | Americans with Disabilities Act and Olmstead EnforcementAlison Barkoff, JD Special Counsel for Olmstead Enforcement, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice Kathleen Wolfe, JD Acting Special Legal Counsel and Trial Attorney, Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University |
2:00 p.m. | Panel on Managed Care for People with Disabilities Jami Snyder Administrator, Arizona Long Term Care System, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System Christian Butt, JD Section Administrator , Contract Monitoring & Compliance Section , Hawaii Department of Human Services Nina Wall Côté, MSS, LSW Director, Bureau of Autism Services , Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Pia Newman Assistant Director, Bureau of Autism Services , Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare |
3:15 p.m. | Panel Discussion |
3:30 p.m. | Break |
3:45 p.m. | Panel on Services Provision to People with Autism June Groden, PhD Executive Director, The Groden Center, Inc. Nancy Jess Murray, MS President, The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh at ACHIEVA Thomas P. McCool, EdD President and CEO, Eden Autism Services |
4:15 p.m. | Panel Discussion |
4:30 | Rehabilitation Research and Employment Services Jennifer Sheehy, MBA Director, Office of Policy and Planning, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education |
5:00 p.m. | Subcommittee Discussion and Closing Comments |
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Workshop Co-chairs
Ellen W. Blackwell, MSW
Social Worker/Health Insurance Specialist, Division of Community and Institutional Services, Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and Co-Chair, IACC Services Subcommittee
Ms. Ellen Blackwell is a Federal member of the IACC who also serves as the Co-Chair of the Services Subcommittee and a member of the Subcommittee for Planning the Annual Strategic Plan Updating Process. She has been a member of the IACC since 2007. Ms. Blackwell is a social worker specializing in geriatrics, and a Health Insurance Specialist at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). She joined the Federal service in 2001 as a Presidential Management Fellow. Working primarily on long-term care issues, Ms. Blackwell helps states improve the quality and consistency of community based services, and mental health services delivered through managed care delivery systems. Prior to joining CMS, Ms. Blackwell worked at The Horizon Foundation, a philanthropic organization that promotes local health and wellness. She interned as a graduate student at The Hilltop Institute, a health research center at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and the Howard County Maryland Office on Aging. Ms. Blackwell founded the Howard County chapter of the Autism Society in 1992, and has an adult son with autism spectrum disorder. She graduated from the University of Maryland - Baltimore, and the University of Wisconsin - Stout.
Lee Grossman
President and CEO, Advance Enterprises, LLC, and Co-Chair, IACC Services Subcommittee
Mr. Lee Grossman has served as a public member of the committee since 2007. He is the Co-Chair of the Services Subcommittee and serves on the Subcommittee for Planning the Annual Strategic Plan Updating Process and the Subcommittee on Safety. Mr. Grossman is President and CEO of Advance Enterprises, LLC. From 2004-2011, he served as the President and CEO of the Autism Society and was the President of the Autism Society of America Foundation, publisher of the Autism Advocate journal. In his former position at the Autism Society, Mr. Grossman oversaw the nation's largest grassroots autism organization, with over 190,000 members and supporters and 160 chapters across the United States. In 2007, he initiated strategic partnerships with Easter Seals, the Autism Research Institute, the Celtic Nations for Autism, the Autism Society of the Philippines and the Autism Society of Parents in Hong Kong, as well as forming coalitions in the United States to deal with disability services issues. Mr. Grossman served on the Board of Directors of the Autism Society and is a past President of the Autism Society of Hawaii. While on the Board of the Autism Society, he served in numerous capacities, including Chair of National Autism Awareness Month, Nominating Chair, Development Chair and Public Relations Chair. Mr. Grossman and his wife Nina have three sons, one of whom has autism. Prior to his position at the Autism Society, Mr. Grossman owned a business for 25 years that specialized in consulting to the medical industry. He attended college at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, completing his senior year at Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu, Hawaii, and earning his Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration. Mr. Grossman has a Master's in Leadership from the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business.
Self Determination as a Guiding Principle for Services for People with Disabilities
Brian Abery, PhD
Coordinator of School-Age Services, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota
Dr. Brian Abery is a Coordinator of School-Age Services at the University of Minnesota's Institute on Community Integration and an adjunct faculty member within the University's Institute of Child Development and Department of Educational Psychology. He has been a Principal Investigator and Director of numerous Federal projects to promote self-determination, education, employment, social inclusion, inclusive service learning, and health care coordination for children, youth, and adults with a variety of disabilities. Dr. Abery has received funding from the U.S. Department of Education, including grants from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), and Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He is currently conducting programs of research designed to assess the consequential validity of
Alternate Assessment Based on Alternate Achievement Standards; evaluate the critical elements of health care coordination for adults with physical disabilities; and develop and field-test a training program for Direct Support Professionals to facilitate better supporting the self-determination of persons with intellectual disability and/or developmental disability (ID/DD). Dr. Abery has published journal articles, technical reports, curricula, and other products on the topics of self-determination, person-centered planning, social and educational inclusion, and inclusive service learning as well as presented at numerous national conferences.
Safe and Supportive Environments for People with Autism
George Braddock
President, Creative Housing Solutions, LLC
George Braddock, President of Creative Housing Solutions, LLC, pioneered the application of person-centered planning principles to the design and construction of homes for people with disabilities. In addition to developing welcoming and inclusive single and multi-family housing opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disabilities (ID/DD), George's recent work involves developing inclusive, authentic community opportunities for all citizens and assisting families by creating living situations that allow individuals and their families to remain together and flourish for as long as they choose.
Criminal Justice Diversion of People with Disabilities
Daniel Abreu, MS, CRC, LMHC
Senior Project Associate, Policy Research Associates, Inc., and Associate Director, The SAMHSA National GAINS Center
Dan Abreu has been employed as the Associate Director of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National GAINS Center since June 2005. The GAINS Center has operated since 1995 as a national locus for the collection and dissemination of information about effective mental health and substance abuse services for people with co-occurring disorders in contact with the justice system. As Associate Director, he provides technical assistance to communities and states on mental health and criminal justice collaboration across the criminal justice spectrum and assists the Director in the planning and development of expert meetings that address various issues relating to justice involved persons with mental illness. He has provided Strategic Planning and Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) Cross Systems Mapping for SAMHSA Transformation State Incentive Grant (TSIG) states and SAMHSA funded Jail Diversion sites to insure integration of mental health and criminal justice objectives. He has also provided Strategic Planning Workshops and SIM Mapping for several other states and communities. Mr. Abreu is former Associate Director of Operations at Central New York Psychiatric Center (CNYPC) and in his capacity of Associate Director oversaw reentry planning activities for individuals with mental illness, returning to the community from prison and oversaw the development of the Sing Sing CORP Re-entry Program. He formerly held positions with CNYPC as Regional Supervisor and as Chief of Mental Health Service at Sing Sing Correctional Facility and Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, the only female maximum security prison for women in New York State. Prior to employment with CNYPC, Mr. Abreu coordinated jail mental health services in Albany and Rensselaer counties in New York State.
Steven L. Turner, MS
Chairman of the Adult and Youth Taunton Community Crisis Intervention Teams, and Community Police Officer, Taunton Police Department, City of Taunton Department of Human Services
Officer Steven Turner has been the chairman of the Adult and Youth Taunton Community Crisis Intervention Teams for the past 9 years. He is a Community Police Officer with Taunton, Massachusetts Police Department, where he has served for 23 years. Officer Turner holds BS degrees in Elementary Education and Special Education as well as MS degrees in Education Administration and Criminal Justice. Officer Turner is also a former Elementary and Special Education teacher.
Bill McAndrew, MA
Consultant, Community Partnerships, Inc., and Site Administrator/Adjunct Faculty, Anna Maria College
Bill McAndrew retired in 2006 after a 36 year career in the Massachusetts court system. Appointed Chief Probation Officer of the Taunton District Court in 1979, he was responsible for managing the probation operation at the court, and he developed and implemented several probation-focused community programs throughout his career. A founding member of the statewide Massachusetts Probation Training Team in 1984, Bill has provided training to probation officers, court employees, and other agency staff on law and policy. An adjunct faculty member at Anna Maria College for more than 20 years, his duties have also included site and regional administration. He received his undergraduate degree at Stonehill College where he is active in alumni affairs and also holds a graduate degree from Assumption College. As a core member of the Community Crisis Intervention Team and its training initiative, Bill continues to assist other communities in developing similar police/court/mental health strategies in appropriate justice responses through community collaboration.
Keith Bourdon, MA, LSW
Probation Officer, Probation Department, Taunton District Court
Keith Bourdon has been a member of the Taunton, Massachusetts area Community Crisis Intervention Team since 2001. He has held positions with the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, and recently retired from the Massachusetts Trial Court Probation Department. Mr. Bourdon has a BA in Sociology and an MA in Psychology and is a Licensed Social Worker.
Home and Community-Based Services: Federal Precepts and the State Delivery System
Ellen W. Blackwell, MSW
Social Worker/Health Insurance Specialist, Division of Community and Institutional Services, Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and Co-Chair, IACC Services Subcommittee
C. Lee Price, MS
Director, Office of Developmental Services, Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Lee Price joined the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) in June 2004 as the Director of what is now the Office of Developmental Services. Prior to joining the Department, Mr. Price held positions as the Richmond division manager for Community Residences, Inc., the mental retardation services director for the Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Community Services Board, director of Camp Baker Services for the Arc of Richmond, and other management and leadership positions in vocational and employment services for persons with disabilities. During his tenure with DBHDS, he has led the Office of Developmental Services through changes that have strengthened the delivery of a person-centered model of supports for individuals with intellectual disability, adopted the Supports Intensity Scale™ for use for individuals with intellectual disabilities in the Medicaid funded system, and provided Positive Behavioral Support training to direct service staff leading to an endorsement of over 60 new providers of that service. He began his career in 1972 and he holds a Masters Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Virginia Commonwealth University, which he received in 1979.
Cindy Gwinn
Community Resource Manager, Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialties, Office of Developmental Services, Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Cindy Gwinn is the Community Resource Manager for Autism Spectrum Disorders Specialties at the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. Ms. Gwinn was formerly Information and Referral Specialist and Community Resource Specialist for Commonwealth Autism Service in Virginia. Later she started her own business to support those with developmental disabilities as a Case Manager and Consumer Directed Service Facilitator for the Individuals and Families with Developmental Disabilities Waiver. Ms. Gwinn is a Medicaid Waiver Mentor, a member of the Autism Society, Central Virginia and a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Social Work. Ms. Gwinn has a daughter with an autism spectrum disorder.
Americans with Disabilities Act and Olmstead Enforcement
Alison Barkoff, JD
Special Counsel for Olmstead Enforcement, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice
Alison Barkoff is Special Counsel for Olmstead Enforcement in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. In the Olmstead decision, the U.S. Supreme Court held that public entities must provide integrated, community-based services to persons with disabilities when reasonable and appropriate and that unjustified institutionalization of people with disabilities is a form of unlawful discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Ms. Barkoff assists with the Division's efforts to enforce the rights of individuals with disabilities to integrated opportunities under the ADA and other civil rights statutes. Prior to joining the government, Ms. Barkoff was a senior staff attorney at the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, where she worked on litigation and policy regarding community integration, Medicaid, and special education on a broad array of issues affecting children and adults with mental disabilities, including litigation regarding community integration, special education, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Medicaid and the criminalization of individuals with mental illness. She previously served as a trial attorney in the Disability Rights Section and the Federal Programs Branch of the Department of Justice and has worked with private civil rights firms and public interest organizations on disability issues. Ms. Barkoff has published articles and spoken on a range of issues that impact individuals with disabilities. She is a graduate of Cornell University and Emory University School of Law. After graduation from law school, she was a judicial clerk for then-Judge Sonia Sotomayor on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and for Judge William Pauley on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
Kathleen Wolfe, JD
Acting Special Legal Counsel and Trial Attorney, Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice, and Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University
Kathleen Wolfe received her law degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 2000. Following law school, Ms. Wolfe served as a law clerk for the Honorable Michael J. Melloy, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, and, in 2003, entered the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice through the Attorney General's Honors Program. Since joining the Department, Ms. Wolfe has worked as a trial attorney in the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division, with a primary focus on the Division's affirmative enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Ms. Wolfe also worked on the Department's recently published Rulemaking for Titles II and III of the ADA, and currently acts as Special Legal Counsel for the Disability Rights Section. Ms. Wolfe is also an adjunct professor of Disability Rights Law at Georgetown University Law Center.
Panel on Managed Care for People with Disabilities
Jami Snyder
Administrator, Arizona Long Term Care System, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
Jami Snyder has served as the Administrator of the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) since February 2011. Prior to her service with the ALTCS program, Ms. Snyder served as the Bureau Chief for Contract Compliance with the Arizona Division of Behavioral Health Services. Ms. Snyder also served as the Executive Director of the Arizona Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities from 2004 - 2007. Currently, Ms. Snyder is on the Board of Arizona's Statewide Independent Living Council as well as the Human Service Cooperative Educational Foundation. From 2006 - 2007, Ms. Snyder sat on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities.
Christian Butt, JD
Section Administrator, Contract Monitoring & Compliance Section, Hawaii Department of Human Services
Mr. Butt works for the State of Hawaii Department of Human Services, serving as the section administrator for the Contracts and Compliance Section, Health Care Services Branch of the Med-QUEST Division. He has served in this capacity since 2009 and has worked in governmental contracting and procurement with various State agencies since 1997. Prior to that, Mr. Butt worked at a practice specializing in family law after graduating with a Juris Doctorate from the University of Hawaii in 1992.
Nina Wall-Côté, MSS, LSW
Director, Bureau of Autism Services, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Nina Wall-Coté, MSS, LSW, is the Director for the Bureau of Autism Services in the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW). Prior to this position, she served as co-chair of the Autism Task Force commissioned by DPW Secretary Richman in July 2003. She was a founding member and first President of the Pennsylvania Action Coalition for Autism Services (PACAS), a statewide board of regional autism advocates. She has served as a Board member for Pennsylvania Protection and Advocacy and served for seven years as the Information and Referral Director for the Autism Society of Greater Philadelphia. A graduate of Bryn Mawr College's Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research, Ms. Wall-Coté worked as a family, child and adolescent therapist with a specific focus on clinical work with families of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and other behavioral health challenges. Ms. Wall-Coté is the parent of a young adult with autism.
Pia Newman
Assistant Director, Bureau of Autism Services, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Pia Newman is the Assistant Director of the Bureau of Autism Services, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW). She joined DPW in 2005. Previously, Ms. Newman was the Coordinator of the Pennsylvania Autism Task Force. Ms. Newman has participated in the creation of the Bureau of Autism Services and the design and development of two autism-specific programs for adults--the Adult Autism Waiver and the Adult Community Autism Program (ACAP)--as well as other initiatives of the Bureau. Currently, she is responsible for implementation of the Adult Autism Waiver which became effective July 1, 2008 and currently serves 300 participants.
Panel on Services Provision to People with Autism
June Groden, PhD
Executive Director, The Groden Center, Inc.
Since 1976, Dr. Groden has been Director of the Groden Center in Providence, Rhode Island, an educational and treatment facility that serves children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities. Dr. Groden also serves on the clinical faculty at the University of Rhode Island and Salve Regina, is a Fellow of the American Psychotherapy Association, and is on the Panel of Professional Advisors of the Autism Society of America. In 2009, Dr. Groden became a member of the Rhode Island Global Consumer Choice Compact Waiver Taskforce to assure public input with respect to the reforms to the Medicaid program. Also in 2009, Dr. Groden became a member of the Rhode Island State Commission to Study the Education of Children with Autism. Dr. Groden has adapted stress reduction procedures such as relaxation and imagery-based picture rehearsal for special populations. She is the co-author of
Relaxation: A Manual for Adults, Children and Children with Special Needs and Coping with Stress Through Picture Rehearsal and has produced three videos on relaxation, picture rehearsal and intensive early intervention. She has co-authored Stress & Coping in Autism, a book dedicated to all children and adults with autism whose courage and determination in coping with the stresses of life give us a greater understanding of human potential and of what is positive and possible. Most recently, Dr. Groden co-authored
How Everyone on the Autism Spectrum, Young and Old, can…become Resilient, be more Optimistic, enjoy Humor, be Kind, and increase Self-Efficacy, A Positive Psychology Approach. She has also written numerous book chapters and journal articles. June Groden holds a PhD and MA degree in psychology, a MEd in education, and a BS in business administration.
Nancy Jess Murray, MS
President, The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh at ACHIEVA
Nancy Murray is the President of The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh at ACHIEVA. She has 35 years of experience in the disability field in the areas of public policy, advocacy, supports coordination, medical care and state government serving people with disabilities and their families. She has conducted hundreds of seminars and workshops and has written numerous articles for families and professionals on disability issues. Prior to returning to The Arc as President, Ms. Murray served as the Area Director for Western Program Operations in the Office of Developmental Programs in the Department of Public Welfare in Pennsylvania. Ms. Murray earned a bachelor's degree in psychology from Gettysburg College and an MS in Child Development from the University of Pittsburgh. Nancy and her husband are the parents of two adult children who have disabilities.
Thomas P. McCool, EdD
President and CEO, Eden Autism Services
Dr. McCool serves as President/CEO of Eden Autism Services, based in Princeton, New Jersey. Eden provides a broad array of services to children and adults with autism and their families. From 1996 to 2005, Dr. McCool served as the Vice President of Development and Government Relations for The Devereux Foundation nationally. Dr. McCool was also a gubernatorial appointee to the California Interagency Coordinating Council, is a Founding Commissioner of the National Commission on Accreditation of Special Education Services, and founding member of the National Association of Residential Providers of Adults with Autism. He served on the MIND Institute Advisory Board, is a member of the Autism Society of America and the National Association of Private Schools for Exceptional Children (NAPSEC), where he serves as Secretary of the Board of Directors. In October of 2010, Dr. McCool was named "Innovator of the Year" by the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce for his work with Eden Autism Services in the development of model programs for children and adults with autism and the construction of a new educational facility to serve as an international model for autism education. He received an EdD in Educational Leadership from Fairleigh Dickinson University's Institute for Leadership Studies and a MEd from West Chester State University in Pennsylvania.
Rehabilitation Research and Employment Services
Jennifer Sheehy, MBA
Director, Office of Policy and Planning, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education
Jennifer Sheehy is the Director of Policy and Planning in the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) in the U.S. Department of Education. Prior to her current position, Jennifer served as acting Director of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), acting Deputy Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration and Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of OSERS. Jennifer came to OSERS from the Presidential Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities where she was Senior Policy Advisor and served a detail as Associate Director in the White House Domestic Policy Council. Before she joined the task force staff, Jennifer was Vice President of the National Organization on Disability and Director of its CEO Council. Jennifer earned a BA in Psychology and English from Cornell University and then graduated with honors from Georgetown University in 1997, earning an MBA. While in school, she worked in marketing research with Anheuser-Busch Companies in St. Louis. Jennifer has also worked in marketing and management for Sheraton and Marriott. She has received many civic and achievement awards including the Accenture Women in Government "Rising Leader" award, the
Federal Computer Week p>Federal 100 Technology Award; the National Association for Women in Education "Woman of Distinction" award; and the Diet Coke Glamour magazine "Women at Their Best" award.
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- Making Homes that Work: A Resource Guide for Families Living with Autism Spectrum Disorder + Co-occurring Behaviors (PDF – 4 MB)
- Administration on Developmental Disabilities’ Paper #1 on Scaling-Up Efforts to Promote Self-Determination : A Social-Ecological Approach to Promote Self-Determination (PDF – 1 MB)
- Administration on Developmental Disabilities’ Paper #2 on Scaling-Up Efforts to Promote Self-Determination : A Social-Ecological Approach to Promote Self-Determination (PDF – 671 KB)
- Community Crisis Team Intervention Team flyer (PDF – 287 KB)
- SAMHSA Newsletter on Jail Diversion and the Sequential Intercept Model (PDF – 4 MB)
- Munetz and Griffin:
Use of the Sequential Intercept Model as an Approach to Decriminalization of People With Serious Mental Illness
- Understanding Medicaid Home and Community Services: A Primer, 2010 Edition
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Home and Community Based Waivers information
- Department of Justice Website - Olmstead: Community Integration for Everyone
- Statement of the Department of Justice on Enforcement of the Integration Mandate of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Olmstead v. L.C.
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- Meeting Transcript (PDF - 800 KB)
- Meeting Flyer
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- IACC Meeting Full Slide Set (PDF – 5 MB)
Presentation | Presenter(s) |
PresentationSelf Determination as a Guiding Principle for Services for People with Disabilities |
Presenter(s)Brian Abery, PhD, Coordinator of School-Age Services, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota |
PresentationSafe and Supportive Environments for People with Autism (PDF – 3 MB) |
Presenter(s)George Braddock, President, Creative Housing Solutions, LLC |
PresentationCriminal Justice Diversion of People with Disabilities (PDF – 1 MB) |
Presenter(s)Daniel Abreu, MS, CRC, LMHC, Senior Project Associate, Policy Research Associates, Inc., and Associate Director, The SAMHSA National GAINS Center |
PresentationHome and Community-Based Services: Federal Precepts and the State Delivery System (PDF – 604 KB) |
Presenter(s)Ellen W. Blackwell, MSW, Social Worker/Health Insurance Specialist, Division of Community and Institutional Services, Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
PresentationHome and Community-Based Services: Federal Precepts and the State Delivery System (PDF – 164 KB) |
Presenter(s)C. Lee Price, MS, Director, Office of Developmental Services, Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services |
PresentationAmericans with Disabilities Act and Olmstead Enforcement |
Presenter(s)Alison Barkoff, JD, Special Counsel for Olmstead Enforcement, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice |
PresentationPanel on Managed Care for People with Disabilities (PDF – 297 KB) |
Presenter(s)Jami Snyder, Administrator, Arizona Long Term Care System, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System |
PresentationPanel on Managed Care for People with Disabilities (PDF – 184 KB) |
Presenter(s)Christian Butt, JD, Section Administrator, Contract Monitoring & Compliance Section, Hawaii Department of Human Services |
PresentationPanel on Managed Care for People with Disabilities (PDF – 150 KB) |
Presenter(s)Nina Wall Côté, MSS, LSW, Director, Bureau of Autism Services, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare |
PresentationPanel on Services Provision to People with Autism (PDF – 3 MB) |
Presenter(s)June Groden, PhD, Executive Director, The Groden Center, Inc. |
PresentationPanel on Services Provision to People with Autism (PDF – 2 MB) |
Presenter(s)Nancy Jess Murray, MS, President, The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh at ACHIEVA |
PresentationPanel on Services Provision to People with Autism (PDF – 201 KB) |
Presenter(s)Thomas P. McCool, EdD, President and CEO, Eden Autism Services |
PresentationRehabilitation Research and Employment Services (PDF – 408 KB) |
Presenter(s)Jennifer Sheehy, MBA, Director, Office of Policy and Planning, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education |
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