About Autism

Toolkits and Guides
These toolkits and guides provide information on screening, diagnosis, prevalence and more.
- Administration for Children and Families
- Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! Birth to 5 is a federal effort that supports healthy child development, universal behavioral and developmental screening, and support for families and providers. They have a list of screening tools and resources for families and various types of providers.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD)
- Autism Data Visualization Tool This tool allows users to explore autism prevalence estimates and demographic characteristics at the national, state, and community levels.
- "Learn the Signs. Act Early." The materials provided teach parents about developmental milestones and what to do if they are concerned about their child’s development.
Private and Non-Profit
Material on the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) website may include hyperlinks to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations and persons. We provide these links solely for our users' information and convenience. These references are not intended to reflect the opinion of the IACC or U.S. Government, or its officers or employees concerning the significance, priority, or importance to be given the referenced entity, product, service, or organization. Full Disclaimer.
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Practical Resource Toolkit for Clinicians, 3rd edition Primary care providers play an important role in helping children on the autism spectrum get the assistance and services they need. This toolkit includes factsheets and family handouts to help providers in applying new diagnostic criteria, addressing common issue, and incorporating culturally appropriate care. The toolkit includes resources on clinical signs and diagnosis; screening for autism; the biology of autism; common presentations, health issues, coexisting conditions; interventions; working with families; referrals; and transition to adulthood.
- Autism Speaks
- 100 Day Kit for Young Children This tool kit provides families of children ages four and under with guidance on how to access services the first 100 days after an autism diagnosis.
- 100 Day Kit for School Age Children This tool kit provides families of children ages five to thirteen with guidance on how to access services the first 100 days after an autism diagnosis.
- First Concern to Action Tool Kit This tool kit guides parents on how to seek an autism evaluation for their child.
- Is it Autism and If So, What Next? A Guide for Adults This guide is for adults who suspect they may be on the autism spectrum.
- Autistic Self Advocacy Network
- Start Here: a guide for parents of autistic kids This booklet is designed for parents of children who recently received an autism diagnosis. This guide gives an explanation of autism, provides parents guidance on what to do after a diagnosis, describes what quality services look like, and more. This guide was created in collaboration with the Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network, the Thinking Person's Guide to Autism, and Little Lobbyists.
- Welcome to the Autistic Community This book is written by autistic people for newly diagnosed individuals and their loved ones. ASAN has also released a companion website on autism acceptance.
- Organization for Autism Research
- Sibling Support OAR's "Autism Sibling Support" series provides guidance for young children, teenagers, and parents. These guides address questions, feelings, and concerns that may arise for people with a sibling on the autism spectrum. The series includes a guide for parents, teenage siblings, and young siblings.
- VCU Autism Center for Excellence
- Training and Education VCU’s Autism Center for Excellence training and education page can help parents and educators better understand and support people with autism spectrum disorder