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photos related to autism resources

Agencies and Organizations

Government Building

State Resources

Find national organizations offering local assistance, as well as your local autism council/committee and state health agency, to learn how to be involved and what resources and services are available.

Material on the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) website may include hyperlinks to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations and persons. We provide these links solely for our users' information and convenience. These references are not intended to reflect the opinion of the IACC or U.S. Government, or its officers or employees concerning the significance, priority, or importance to be given the referenced entity, product, service, or organization. Full Disclaimer.

Agencies & Organizations

  • Administration for Community Living (ACL)
    • State Councils on Developmental Disabilities State Councils on Developmental Disabilities are federally funded, self-governing organizations charged with identifying the needs of people with developmental disabilities in their state or territory. There are 56 Councils across the United States and its territories. This page includes information about Council activities, supports, and contact information for each Council.
  • Autism Society
    • Find an affiliate The Autism Society works to improve the lives of the autism community through advocacy and providing national and local resources through their network. Click the link above to find your local chapter.
  • Easterseals
    • State Autism Profiles Easterseals provides services for people with disabilities such as early intervention, autism services, and job training. Easterseals’ state profiles include information on special education demographics, insurance coverage, Medicaid services, educational programs, and other state activities such as advisory committees and task forces.
  • Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs
  • National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
    • State and Territory Councils NACDD is the national association for the 56 Councils on Developmental Disabilities (DD Councils) across the United States and its territories. The DD Councils receive federal funding to support programs that promote self-determination, integration and inclusion for all people in the United States with developmental disabilities. Click the link above to find your local council.

State Councils and AgenciesLink Disclaimer

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