
Toolkits and Guides
These toolkits and guides provide guidance for youth with disabilities and their families on how to prepare for transition to adulthood.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Supported Employment Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) Kit This toolkit, geared towards professionals and program planners, provides best practices for supported employment. It includes information on training staff and evaluating the effectiveness of a supported employment program.
- U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services
- A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities This guide addresses transition planning, transition services and requirements, postsecondary education and employment options, and the importance of supporting decisions made by students and youth with disabilities.
- U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy
- "Kickstart Your ILP" Toolkit This guide teaches youth with disabilities how to start their Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) in order to plan their future after high school.
- Youth In Transition: Soft Skills to Pay the Bills This curriculum is focused on teaching workforce readiness skills to transition aged youth. This curriculum is geared towards youth development professionals.
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- American Academy of Pediatrics
- 2021 Coding and Payment Tip Sheet for Transition from Pediatric to Adult Health Care This updated tip sheet includes new and revised CPT codes, current Medicare fees and RVUs for codes, updated vignettes, and a sample insurance letter that can be adapted to encourage payer recognition of transition-related codes.
- Association of University Centers on Disabilities
- A Collaborative Interagency, Interdisciplinary Approach to Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood This guide is intended for faculty, staff, trainees, individuals with disabilities, and family members as well as policy makers. It is intended to promote a dialogue among stakeholders and lead to a more comprehensive, coordinated, supportive, and successful transition process for youth with disabilities.
- A Comprehensive Approach to Transition This workbook promotes self-determination and helps transition age youth consider the future they want. It is a companion to "A Collaborative Interagency, Interdisciplinary Approach to Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood."
- Autism Speaks
- Transition Tool Kit This toolkit covers self-advocacy, employment, housing, healthcare and safety. Families can also request a hardcopy of the toolkit.
- Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)
- Roadmap to Transition: A Handbook for Autistic Youth Transitioning to Adulthood ASAN partnered with the Family Network on Disabilities to produce this guide, which prepares transition age youth for adulthood. The first half provides information on preparing for transition, and the second half gives in-depth information on post-secondary education, employment, housing and independent living, and healthcare.
- Got Transition
- Telehealth Toolkit for a Joint Visit with Pediatric and Adult Health Care Clinicians and Transferring Young Adults This resource provides guidance for pediatric and adult health care clinicians on how to transition care during a telehealth visit. The guide suggests organizing the visit in two segments: communication between the young adult and the two clinicians as well as communication between the two clinicians.
- Integrating Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder into Your Practice: Tips for Adult Health Care Clinicians This resource is intended as a possible list of ideas and activities for clinicians who are accepting new young adult (YA) patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) into their practice. It offers a broad set of suggestions that a practice can consider, depending on the practice’s resources, to prepare its office and staff as well as tips to consider prior to, during, and after the initial visit.
- Turning 18: What it Means for Your Health This plain language guide explains the legal impact that turning 18 has on health care choices and privacy. Got Transition is supported by the Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
- National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition (NASET)
- Transition Toolkit for Systems Improvement This toolkit provides a framework to help school systems and communities identify what youth need in order to achieve successful participation in postsecondary education, employment, and other aspects of adult life.
- Organization for Autism Research
- Life Journey Through Autism: A Guide For Transition To Adulthood This guide is aimed at parents of transition-aged youth. It provides tips, resource recommendations, and activities for navigating transition planning process, preparing for changes in supports and legal protections, and preparing for success.
- Life Journey Through Autism: Navigating The Special Education System This guide is meant for parents to use when navigating the special education system. It includes background information on special education laws, regulations, and IEPs in the United States. Additionally, it includes an overview of the timeline for services, tips and techniques for being an effective advocate, as well as a list of commonly used terms along with their definitions.
- Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
- Planning Life After High School for Students on the Autism Spectrum This guide written for families in Tennessee contains some information about federal laws that may be helpful for those planning transitions for youth on the autism across the country, while other aspects focus on state-specific issues.