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Six young adults smiling

Websites and Programs

This directory includes government and private organizations that offer resources or supports for youth with disabilities transitioning into adulthood.


Private and Non-Profit

Material on the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) website may include hyperlinks to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations and persons. We provide these links solely for our users' information and convenience. These references are not intended to reflect the opinion of the IACC or U.S. Government, or its officers or employees concerning the significance, priority, or importance to be given the referenced entity, product, service, or organization. Full Disclaimer.

  • Autism Speaks
    • Transition to Adulthood This section of the Autism Speaks’ website provides multiple toolkits, resources, and guides.
  • Easterseals
  • Got Transition
    • Resources & Research Got Transition aims to help youth and young adults move from pediatric to adult health care through the use of evidence-driven strategies.
    • Transition to Adulthood Guidelines OCALI, formerly the Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence, has developed resources on the Individualized Education Program (IEP) transition planning process, age-appropriate transition assessment, employment, and school age programming for transition-aged youth. While a portion of the information is specific to the state of Ohio, most of the information is generally applicable.
  • PACER Center
    • National Parent Center on Transition and Employment This center provides information for parents on several aspects of the transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities. This center provides videos, handouts, and online workshops on topics including transition planning, postsecondary education, employment, benefit programs and supports, independent and community living, laws and rights, health, and assistive technology.
  • Project SEARCH
    • Transition-to-Work Program This page provides an overview of the Transition-to-Work program, including links on finding or starting a local program.
  • Think College
    • Resource Library Think College is a national organization dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disability. The Resource Library includes over 600 selected resources on a wide range of topics related to postsecondary education.
  • Transition Coalition
    • Products and Materials Transition Coalition, located at the University of Kansas, provides resources for supporting transition aged youth with disabilities.
  • Virginia Commonwealth University
    • VCU Center for Autism Excellence The VCU Center for Autism Excellence provides resources for parents, educators, paraprofessionals, and administrators. Its mission is to implement research-based practices and supports in schools and the community.
    • VCU Center on Transition Innovations The VCU Center on Transition Innovations provides resources, such as webinars, for educators and other stakeholders who support transition aged youth with disabilities.
Websites and Programs | Toolkits and Guides | Reports | Research Articles | Videos
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