
This section includes videos that highlight youth on the autism spectrum transitioning into adulthood.
- 2021
- Interagency Committee on Disability Research
Building Work-Based Learning Opportunities in the Home, School, and Community
July 28, 2021This session introduces participants to the concept of work-based learning and the benefits as they apply to students with disabilities. Special focus will be placed on opportunities to build independence and employment skills across environments. Presenters provide tools and ideas for building opportunities in the home, school, and community, including techniques and strategies for approaching and collaborating with partners.
Building Work-Based Learning Opportunities in the Home, School, and Community
- Interagency Committee on Disability Research
- 2020
- Office of National Autism Coordination and the National Autism Coordinator
Expanding Career Pathways for Youth and Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum: Employment as a Social Determinant of Health
March 23, 2020This webinar provided information about supports and resources to improve access to competitive integrated employment for youth and young adults on the autism spectrum and enhance their career pathways.
Transportation and Mobility Options to Support Postschool Transition for Youth with Autism
February 11, 2020The National Center for Mobility Management and the Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, provided a free webinar on transportation and mobility services for youth with autism transitioning out of high school.
Expanding Career Pathways for Youth and Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum: Employment as a Social Determinant of Health
- Office of National Autism Coordination and the National Autism Coordinator
- 2019
- Office of National Autism Coordination and the National Autism Coordinator
Making Health Care Transition Work for Youth with Autism: Youth and Parent Perspectives and National Resources
December 13, 2019This webinar highlighted the transition from pediatric to adult health care for youth with autism. It featured a parent and daughter, who discussed their experiences with, and perspectives on, making the health care transition.
Making Health Care Transition Work for Youth with Autism: Youth and Parent Perspectives and National Resources
- Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC)
Panel Presentation: Disability Employment
April 17, 2019Julie Taylor, Ph.D. introduced the topic of disability employment by discussing current employment rates and directions for future research. Next, Paul Wehman, Ph.D. discussed his initiative to help young people on the spectrum lean skills needed to gain competitive integrated employment. Erik Carter, Ph.D. talked about his work to help young people with disabilities to harness their strengths as a pathway to employment. Finally, Hala Annabi, Ph.D. talked about autism hiring initiatives and creating an autism-friendly workplace. Full Meeting Page.
Panel Presentation: Disability Employment
- Office of National Autism Coordination and the National Autism Coordinator
- 2016
- Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC)
National Autism Indicators Report: Vocational Rehabilitation
July 19, 2016Anne Roux, M.P.H., M.A. explains the findings of the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute’s National Indicators Report on Vocational Rehabilitation. Full Meeting Page.
National-Level Outcomes of Transition-Age Youth on the Autism Spectrum
January 12, 2016Anne Roux, M.P.H., M.A. explains the findings of the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute’s National Indicators Report on Outcomes of Transition-Age Youth on the Autism Spectrum. Full Meeting Page.
National Autism Indicators Report: Vocational Rehabilitation
- Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC)
Private and Non-Profit
Material on the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) website may include hyperlinks to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations and persons. We provide these links solely for our users' information and convenience. These references are not intended to reflect the opinion of the IACC or U.S. Government, or its officers or employees concerning the significance, priority, or importance to be given the referenced entity, product, service, or organization. Full Disclaimer.
- 2022
- The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities
BoggsCast Episode 4: Transition to Adult Life with Julie Lounds Taylor, Ph.D.
February 3, 2022In this episode of Rutgers University's Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities podcast, IACC member Julie Lounds Taylor, Ph.D., of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Investigator at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, discusses transition to adulthood.
BoggsCast Episode 4: Transition to Adult Life with Julie Lounds Taylor, Ph.D.
- The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities
- 2020
- Got Transition
Webinar on Family Toolkit: Pediatric-to-Adult Health Care Transition
Oct 28, 2020This webinar discussed Got Transition's Family Toolkit, which was developed for families to use during the transition from pediatric to adult health care.
Webinar on Family Toolkit: Pediatric-to-Adult Health Care Transition
- Organization for Autism Research
Self-Determination: Tips for Including Students in Their Education and Transition Planning
April 28, 2020This webinar introduced participants to the fundamental concepts of Self-Determination for students with autism and related disabilities. Discussions included how to teach these concepts, Power-Standards for Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals, how to include students in the IEP process, and other strategies for supporting students with developing their self-determination skills.
Self-Determination: Tips for Including Students in Their Education and Transition Planning
- Got Transition
- 2019
- UC Davis MIND Institute
Making Their Way in the World Each Day: Improving the Transition Success of Youth With Disabilities
August 7, 2019This presentation discusses research-based best practices for transition programs for youth with disabilities.
Making Their Way in the World Each Day: Improving the Transition Success of Youth With Disabilities
- UC Davis MIND Institute
- 2018
- Organization for Autism Research
Transition to Adulthood
April 05, 2018This webinar provides an overview of the challenges to the provision of effective transition programming, discusses the importance of focusing instruction and intervention outside of the classroom, and provides recommendations moving forward.
Transition to Adulthood
- UC Davis Mind Institute
From School to What? Strategies for Transition Assessment and Planning
August 10, 2018This interactive workshop provides an overview of the steps needed to help youth with disabilities plan for the transition from school to adult roles. Participants use case studies to review transition assessment strategies.
Understanding the Challenges of Young Adults with ASD in Transition: Using Innovative Social Network Analysis Approaches
August 9, 2018Better social networks for youth with ASD and their supports can lessen communication and social interaction challenges as the youth transition to adulthood. Participants are introduced to social network approaches to measure support networks during transition among young adults.
From School to What? Strategies for Transition Assessment and Planning
- Organization for Autism Research
- 2017
- Simons Foundation/SPARK
Employment and ASD: Preparing for the World of Work
Oct 30, 2017Ernst VanBergeijk, Ph.D., M.S.W. discusses autism and employment. He presents three different paths to employment: vocational programs, supported academic programs, and comprehensive transition & post-secondary programs.
Employment and ASD: Preparing for the World of Work
- Nebraska Autism Spectrum Disorders Network
Skills for the Real World: Preparing Students with ASD
January 5, 2017Susanna Johnston, Claudia Schulte, and Jeanne Smay discuss the critical skills necessary for transitioning into the workforce. The presenters also discuss potential barriers and identify strategies for career planning and job retention.
Transition: Targeting Skills for Adult Independence - Part 1
February 1, 2017Transition: Transition Planning for Competent Adulthood - Part 2February 8, 2017Transition: Person Centered Planning: Creating a Map to Your Student's Future - Part 4February 22, 2017In this webinar series, Peter Gerhardt, Ed.D. and Sonja Peetz, M.S.Ed. discuss several topics related to transitioning out of high school. This includes necessary skills for independence, planning for a successful transition, sexual education, and person-centered planning.
Skills for the Real World: Preparing Students with ASD
- UC Davis Mind Institute
Using Person-Centered Approaches in Job Development during Transition Into Adulthood
August 4, 2017In this session, new laws and regulations impacting services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are discussed.
Using Person-Centered Approaches in Job Development during Transition Into Adulthood
- Simons Foundation/SPARK
- 2016
- UC Davis Mind Institute
Supported Decision Making, an Alternative to Conservatorships
August 15, 2016Supported decision making is discussed as an alternative to conservatorship for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Helping Young Adults With ASD to Achieve Their Life Goals: Preliminary Results From the ACCESS Program (Acquiring Career, Coping, Executive-Function and Social Skills)
August 12, 2016This presentation shares the results of an initial trial of the ACCESS Program (Acquiring Career, Coping, Executive-Function and Social Skills). The three major components of the ACCESS curriculum are using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to enhance coping and reduce stress, scaffolding the development of organizational skills, and promoting enhanced social functioning.
Supported Decision Making, an Alternative to Conservatorships
- UC Davis Mind Institute