
These publications include research findings and recommendations on transition aged youth with disabilities as well as related federal activities.
- 2018
- National Council on Disability
Beyond Guardianship: Toward Alternatives That Promote Greater Self-Determination for People with Disabilities
March 22, 2018This report examines guardianship and makes recommendations for its use. Recommendations are based on disability law and policy, how people with disabilities are treated in the legal system, alternatives to guardianship, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Beyond Guardianship: Toward Alternatives That Promote Greater Self-Determination for People with Disabilities
- U.S. Government Accountability Office
Students with Disabilities: Additional Information from Education Could Help States Provide Pre-Employment Transition Services
September 6, 2018Of the 74 state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies that responded to GAO's survey, most reported expanding services to help students with disabilities transition from school to work as required under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), enacted in July 2014. Most state agencies reported serving more students and providing work-based learning experiences and other activities.
Students with Disabilities: Additional Information from Education Could Help States Provide Pre-Employment Transition Services
- National Council on Disability
- 2017
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Report to Congress: Young Adults and Transitioning Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
August 3, 2017This Report to Congress describes the efforts of 21 Federal departments and agencies involved in ASD research, services and supports on issues related to transition age youth and young adults between fiscal years 2014 and 2018. The report describes federal policies and programs that serve the needs of this population and challenges entailed in making the transition from pediatric and school-based services to the adult service system and adult life.
Report to Congress: Young Adults and Transitioning Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- U.S. Government Accountability Office
Federal Agencies Should Take Additional Action to Support Transition-Age Youth
May 4, 2017This report describes services provided under the IDEA to assist youth on the autism spectrum as they transition to adulthood. The GAO makes recommendations on how the federal government can improve planning for and delivery of these services.
SSA Could Strengthen Its Efforts to Encourage Employment for Transition-Age Youth
May 17, 2017The purpose of this report was to examine the Social Security Administration's (SSA) incentives and assistance for transition-age youth who receive Supplemental Security Income in finding employment. This report uses data on work incentives from the years 2012-2015 and from five Vocational Rehabilitation agencies in 2015.
Federal Agencies Should Take Additional Action to Support Transition-Age Youth
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- 2016
- U.S. Government Accountability Office
Youth with Autism: Roundtable Views of Services Needed During the Transition into Adulthood
October 18, 2016Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) transitioning to adulthood may need a wide range of services and supports to help them achieve their goals, according to a panel the U.S. Government Accountability Office convened in March 2016. The panel describes services and supports that youth (ages 14-24) with ASD transitioning to adulthood may need to address autism characteristics and other health conditions that affect their ability to attain their life goals.
Youth with Autism: Roundtable Views of Services Needed During the Transition into Adulthood
- U.S. Government Accountability Office
Private and Non-Profit
Material on the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) website may include hyperlinks to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations and persons. We provide these links solely for our users' information and convenience. These references are not intended to reflect the opinion of the IACC or U.S. Government, or its officers or employees concerning the significance, priority, or importance to be given the referenced entity, product, service, or organization. Full Disclaimer.
- 2022
- Got Transition
The Changes in Implementation of Health Care Transition in State Title V Care Coordination Programs: 2017-2021
January 2022The Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s State Title V Programs aim to address low rates of health care transition (HTC) preparation from pediatric to adult services. This report assesses the progress of these programs in implementing the Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition since 2017. The report also highlights how these efforts have been impacted by the COIVD-19 pandemic.
The Changes in Implementation of Health Care Transition in State Title V Care Coordination Programs: 2017-2021
- Got Transition
- 2021
- Got Transition
National, Region, and State Health Care Transition Performance for Youth With and Without Special Health Care Needs: the National Survey Of Children’s Health 2019-2020
November 2021This report summarizes the percentage of transition aged youth with and without special health care needs. The data comes from the 2019 – 2020 National Survey of Children’s Health.
National, Region, and State Health Care Transition Performance for Youth With and Without Special Health Care Needs: the National Survey Of Children’s Health 2019-2020
- Got Transition
- 2019
- Drexel University
National Autism Indicators Report: High School Students on the Autism Spectrum
March 13, 2019This report describes the demographics, disability, education, and health characteristics of teens and young adults ages 12-23 on the autism spectrum.
National Autism Indicators Report: High School Students on the Autism Spectrum
- Drexel University
- 2018
- American Academy of Pediatrics
Supporting the Health Care Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood in the Medical Home
November 2018This updated clinical report provides more practice-based quality improvement guidance on key elements of transition planning, transfer, and integration into adult care for all youth and young adults.
Supporting the Health Care Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood in the Medical Home
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- 2016
- Drexel University
National Autism Indicators Report: Vocational Rehabilitation
May 3, 2016This report details the characteristics of people with autism who used Vocational Rehabilitation services, how they used them, and employment outcomes.
National Autism Indicators Report: Vocational Rehabilitation
- U.S. Government Accountability Office
Youth with Autism: Roundtable Views of Services Needed During the Transition into Adulthood
October 18, 2016This report describes the findings of a roundtable discussion convened by GAO on March 3 and 4, 2016 on the services and supports that youth with ASD may need to help them achieve five goals for adulthood: postsecondary education; employment; maximizing independent living; health and safety; and maximizing community integration.
Youth with Autism: Roundtable Views of Services Needed During the Transition into Adulthood
- Drexel University
- 2015
- Drexel University
National Autism Indicators Report: Transition into Young Adulthood
April 15, 2015This report provides an overview of the educational, employment, housing, and health outcomes of young adults on the autism spectrum as they transition out of high school and into adulthood.
National Autism Indicators Report: Transition into Young Adulthood
- Drexel University