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International Portfolio Analysis Cover 2016

International Portfolio Analysis Report

Autism Spectrum Disorder Research


ASD Research Funding and Funders in 2016

2016 ASD Research Funding

Australia, Canada, U.K., and the U.S. requested 2016 autism-related research project and funding information from public body entities and private organizations, including the annual budget for each project and its relevance to the seven research priority areas. Details describing the data collection methods and currency conversion for each country are included in Appendix B.

Australia, Canada, the U.K., and the U.S. invested a total amount of $395.9 million in ASD research funding in 2016, distributed among 1,552 projects (Table 1). The U.S. had the largest funding total with $364.4 million and 1,360 projects. The U.K. funded $14.8 million in ASD research and had 59 projects. Canada invested nearly $11 million in ASD research and 74 projects. Lastly, Australia funded 59 projects that amounted to almost $6 million in autism research. For the U.K. and Australia, research projects receive all the designated funds for a project in the first year of the project. For these two countries, projects that started research activity prior to 2016 but are still ongoing will not contribute any funding to the 2016 portfolio, but these projects are still accounted for in each country's project count.

2016 ASD Research Total Funding and Project Counts by Country

Country Funding Amount in U S Dollars
(Percentage of total funding)
Project Count
(Percentage of total project count)


United States


$364,435,254 (92%)

Project Count

1,360 (88%)


United Kingdom


$14,848,929 (4%)

Project Count

59 (4%)




$10,719,396 (3%)

Project Count

74 (5%)




$5,854,451 (1%)

Project Count

59 (4%)


Grand Total



Project Count


Table 1. In 2016, there were 1,552 ASD research projects totaling $395.8 million among Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Currency conversion methods are described in Appendix B.

2016 ASD Research Funders in Each Country

Among the four countries, there were 34 funders included in the 2016 analysis. Australia included funding information from two federal government research councils and three private entities. Canada collected funding information from one government agency and two not-for-profit private organizations. The U.K. provided funding information from five public body agencies, which are non-departmental research councils, as well as three private organizations. The U.S. collected data from nine federal government agencies and nine private organizations. These 34 agencies and organizations are listed in Table 2. Each country collected from the major private and public ASD-related funders in their respective countries, however some funders may not have been identified for this analysis. Future iterations of this report intend to include more funders from each country as well as more countries. Brief summaries of the mission areas for each agency and organization that contributed to the analysis can be found in Appendix C of this report.


Government Agencies Private Organizations

Government Agencies

Australian Research Council (ARC)

Private Organizations

Financial Markets Foundation for Children

Government Agencies

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

Private Organizations

Ian Potter Foundation

Government Agencies

Private Organizations

Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism (Autism CRC)


Government Agencies Private Organizations

Government Agencies

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Private Organizations

Brain Canada Foundation (BCF)

Government Agencies

Private Organizations

Ontario Brain Institute (OBI)

United Kingdom

Government Agencies Private Organizations

Government Agencies

Economic and Social Research Council (ERSC)

Private Organizations


Government Agencies

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Private Organizations

British Academy

Government Agencies

Innovate UK

Private Organizations

Wellcome Trust

Government Agencies

Medical Research Council (MRC)

Private Organizations

Government Agencies

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

Private Organizations

United States

Government Agencies Private Organizations

Government Agencies

Administration for Community Living (ACL)

Private Organizations

Autism Research Institute (ARI)

Government Agencies

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Private Organizations

Autism Science Foundation (ASF)

Government Agencies

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Private Organizations

Autism Speaks (AS)

Government Agencies

Department of Defense – Army (DoD – Army)

Private Organizations

Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (BBRF)

Government Agencies

Department of Education (ED)

Private Organizations

Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)

Government Agencies

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Private Organizations

New England Center for Children (NECC)

Government Agencies

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Private Organizations

Organization for Autism Research (OAR)

Government Agencies

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Private Organizations

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

Government Agencies

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Private Organizations

Simons Foundation (SF)

Table 2. ASD research project information was collected from 34 public and private entities among Australia, Canada, U.K., and the U.S. for the 2016 International ASD Research Portfolio Analysis Report.

ASD Research Funding Provided by Each Funder in 2016


Australia contributed $5,854,541 across 59 autism research projects in 2016 (Table 3). There were two Australian government research councils and three private organizations included in the analysis. Two organizations contributed 98% of Australia's autism research investment in 2016. The Autism CRC, a private organization, was the largest funder with $3.2 million in investment across 37 autism research projects. The other major funder was a government research council, the NHMRC, reporting more than $2.5 million and 16 research projects. The second government council, the ARC, did not contribute any new funding in 2016 but had ongoing projects included in Australia's portfolio. The Financial Markets Foundation for Children and the Ian Potter Foundation, two non-profit organizations, each funded one project in 2016.

Australia's 2016 ASD Research Funding by Agency/Organization

Funding Agency/Organization 2016 Funding (USD) Project Count

Funding Agency/Organization

Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism (Autism CRC)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Financial Markets Foundation for Children

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Ian Potter Foundation

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Australian Research Council (ARC)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization


2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Table 3. The table lists the total funding and number of projects provided by the five Australian funders included in the analysis.


In 2016, Canada supported 74 ASD research projects totaling $10,719,396 (Table 4). Research project data were collected from two private organizations and one Canadian government agency. The government agency, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), was the largest funder with nearly $7 million in ASD research and 61 projects. The second largest contributor was the Brain Canada Foundation (BCF), which is a private organization that reported $2.6 million for 11 projects. The private organization of the Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) funded two projects that covered almost $1.2 million in funding.

Canada's 2016 ASD Research Funding by Agency/Organization

Funding Agency/Organization 2016 Funding (USD) Project Count

Funding Agency/Organization

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Brain Canada Foundation (BCF)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Ontario Brain Institute (OBI)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization


2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Table 4. Total funding and number of projects towards ASD research provided by the three Canadian funders.

* Funding provided by BCF includes co-funded ASD research projects. While BCF leads the ASD research projects provided in this report, they are not the sole funders and included funding from private donors and organizations in their total amount. BCF's funding numbers are not duplicative of any agency/organization included in this report.

** The annual funding amount for some projects reported by OBI are prorated estimates for the autism-related portion of a larger project.

United Kingdom

The U.K. provided funding information from five public body agencies as well as three private organizations. Overall, the U.K. contributed $14,848,929 towards autism research and had 59 projects (Table 5). The largest funder of autism research was the private organization, Wellcome Trust, which provided $4.2 million in autism research among 12 projects. Three public body agencies followed, the Medical Research Council ($3.3 million, 7 projects), the Economic and Social Research Council ($3.1 million, 11 projects), and the National Institute for Health Research ($2.8 million, 9 projects).

United Kingdom's 2016 Autism Research Funding by Agency/Organization

Funding Agency/Organization 2016 Funding (USD) Project Count

Funding Agency/Organization

Wellcome Trust

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Medical Research Council (MRC)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization


2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

British Academy

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Innovate UK

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization


2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Table 5. The list of agencies and private organizations that contributed to the United Kingdom's 2016 autism research portfolio.

United States

The 18 agencies and organizations that participated in the U.S. supported 1,360 ASD research projects totaling $364,435,254 (Table 6). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) was the leading federal (and overall) contributor of funding for ASD research in 2016 with a total of $234.4 million, funding 547 projects. The next largest federal funder was the Department of Education, with $19.6 million, followed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with $15.4 million. As in previous years, the Simons Foundation and Autism Speaks were the largest private funders of ASD research, with investments of $61.8 million and $6.7 million, respectively.

United States' 2016 ASD Research Funding by Agency/Organization

Funding Agency/Organization 2016 Funding (USD) Project Count

Funding Agency/Organization

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Simons Foundation (SF)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Department of Education (ED)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Department of Defense - Army (DoD-Army)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Autism Speaks (AS)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

National Science Foundation (NSF)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Administration for Community Living (ACL)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (BBRF)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Autism Science Foundation (ASF)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Autism Research Institute (ARI)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

New England Center for Children (NECC)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Organization for Autism Research (OAR)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Funding Agency/Organization


2016 Funding (USD)


Project Count


Table 6. The table lists the total funding and number of projects provided by the 18 federal agencies and private organizations included for 2016. Together, the agencies and organizations funded 1,360 projects, representing an overall investment of $364,435,254.

*The NIH project number shown reflects unique NIH projects. Portions of a project funded by more than one NIH institute ("co-funds") were combined and only counted as a single project. This approach differs from that used in the NIH RePORT database, where each co-fund portion is counted as a separate project.

**The annual funding amount for some projects reported by HRSA are prorated estimates for the autism-related portion of a larger project.

Institutions Receiving Research Funding in Each Country

For the four countries included in this analysis, the major recipients of ASD research funding tended to be academic research institutions. In Australia, four institutions were universities that support researchers and students in their autism research endeavors, and one organization was a service provider with a strong research focus. While Canada and the U.K. included academic establishments among their highest funded institutions, each also included several hospitals. In Canada and the U.K., clinical academics often have dual roles across hospitals and universities. Within the U.S., four of the five institutions that received the most funding in 2016 were universities that support academic researchers and research programs in medicine, behavioral health, services research, and other disciplines. NIH's intramural research program, the internal research program at NIH, received a significant portion of U.S. funding for ASD research. The following tables provide additional information about the institutions that had the highest funding in 2016 for each country (Tables 7-10).

Which Australian institutions had the highest levels of
autism research funding in 2016?

Institution Funding (USD) Project Count


University of Melbourne

Funding (USD)


Project Count



University of Queensland

Funding (USD)


Project Count



Curtin University

Funding (USD)


Project Count



Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)

Funding (USD)


Project Count



La Trobe University

Funding (USD)


Project Count


Table 7. Institutions in Australia with the most autism-related research funding from government and private sources in 2016.

Which Canadian institutions had the highest levels of
autism research funding in 2016?

Institution Funding (USD) Project Count


Hospital for Sick Children

Funding (USD)


Project Count



McGill University

Funding (USD)


Project Count



University of British Columbia

Funding (USD)


Project Count



Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital

Funding (USD)


Project Count



Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Funding (USD)


Project Count


Table 8. Institutions in Canada with the most ASD-related research funding from government and private sources in 2016.

Which U.K. institutions had the highest levels of
autism research funding in 2016?

Institution Funding (USD) Project Count


University of Edinburgh

Funding (USD)


Project Count



Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Funding (USD)


Project Count



King's College London

Funding (USD)


Project Count



University of York

Funding (USD)


Project Count



Heriot-Watt University

Funding (USD)


Project Count


Table 9. Institutions in the U.K. with the most autism-related research funding from government and private sources in 2016.

Which U.S. institutions had the highest levels of
autism research funding in 2016?

Institution Funding (USD) Project Count


University of California, Davis

Funding (USD)


Project Count



Yale University

Funding (USD)


Project Count



University of California, Los Angeles

Funding (USD)


Project Count



National Institutes of Health - Intramural Research Program

Funding (USD)


Project Count



University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Funding (USD)


Project Count


Table 10. Institutions within the U.S. with the most ASD-related research funding from government and private sources in 2016.

Research Funding

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