Publications Analysis
Autism Spectrum Disorder Research
The Global Landscape of Autism Research
1 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 14 Sites, United States, 2008. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2012 March 30;61(SS03);1-19.
2 Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee. 2011 IACC Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder Research. January 2011. Retrieved from the Department of Health and Human Services Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee website.
3,8,19 Office of Autism Research Coordination, National Institute of Mental Health, on behalf of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC). 2010 IACC Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Portfolio Analysis Report. July 2012. Retrieved from the Department of Health and Human Services Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee website.
4,25,30 Jones BF, Wuchty S, Uzzi B. Multi-university research teams: shifting impact, geography, and stratification in science. Science. 2008 Nov 21;322(5905):1259-62.
5,26,31 Wuchty S, Jones BF, Uzzi B. The Increasing Dominance of Teams in Production of Knowledge. Science. 2007 May 18; 316 (5827), 1036-1039.
6 Office of Autism Research Coordination, National Institute of Mental Health, on behalf of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC). 2008 IACC Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Portfolio Analysis Report. 2009. Retrieved from the Department of Health and Human Services Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee website.
7 Office of Autism Research Coordination, National Institute of Mental Health & Acclaro Research Solutions, Inc., on behalf of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC). 2009 IACC Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Portfolio Analysis Report. June 2011. Retrieved from the Department of Health and Human Services Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee website.
9 Simons Foundation. SFARI Gene Website. Accessed on June 20, 2012.
10 Betancur C. Etiological heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorders: more than 100 genetic and genomic disorders and still counting. Brain Res. 2011 Mar 22;1380:42-77.
11,12 Geschwind DH. Genetics of autism spectrum disorders. Trends Cogn Sci. 2011 Sep;15(9):409-16.
13 Hertz-Picciotto I, Croen LA, Hansen R, Jones CR, van Water J, Pessah IN. The CHARGE study: an epidemiologic investigation of genetic and environmental factors contributing to autism. Environ Health Perspect. 2006;114:1119–1125.
14 LaSalle JM. A genomic point-of-view on environmental factors influencing the human brain methylome. Epigenetics. 2011 Jul;6(7):862-9.
15 Gropman AL, Batshaw ML. Epigenetics, copy number variation, and other molecular mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disabilities: new insights and diagnostic approaches. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2010 Sep;31(7):582-91.
16 Lovaas, O. Ivar. Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1987;55(1):3-9.
17 Smith T. Outcome of early intervention for children with autism. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 1999;6:33–49.
18 C. Maurice, G. Green, S.C. Luce (Eds.), Behavioral intervention for young children with autism: A manual for parents and professionals, Pro-Ed, Austin, TX (1996).
20,21 Costas R and van Leeuwen TN. Approaching the 'Reward Triangle': general analysis of the presence of funding acknowledgments and 'peer interactive communication' in scientific publications. Preprint of article accepted for publication in Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2012.
22 Bordons M, Gómez I, Fernández MT, Zulueta MA, Méndez A. Local, domestic and international scientific collaboration in biomedical research. Scientometrics. 1996;37:279–295.
23 Sin, S.-C. J. International coauthorship and citation impact: A bibliometric study of six LIS journals, 1980–2008. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. 2011;62:1770–1783.
24 Katz, J., & Hicks, D. How much is a collaboration worth? A calibrated bibliometric model. Scientometrics. 1997;40(3), 541–554.
27 Lee K, Brownstein JS, Mills RG, Kohane IS. Does Collocation Inform the Impact of Collaboration? PLoS ONE. 2010; 5(12): e14279.
28 Moed, H.F. Citation analysis in research evaluation. 2005. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
29 National Science Board. 2012. Science and Engineering Indicators 2012. Arlington, VA: NSB: 12-01.
32 The World Bank. April 2012. World Development Indicators 2012. Data retrieved June 20, 2012, from World Development Indicators (WDI) Online database.
i The Children's Health Act (CHA) of 2000 established an earlier version of the IACC, but the CAA significantly changed the Committee by specifying membership requirements, mandating several activities and functions, and defining the Committee's role in facilitating public dialogue on matters related to ASD.
iiMore information on NIH autism spending can be found at the NIH RePORT Website.
iii Following the Children's Health Act of 2000, CDC's newly-established National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities established the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network.
iv For the purpose of this report, publications concerning either environment or gene-environment interactions were considered as one category. The categorization algorithm was unable to discriminate accurately between these two related areas. Also, only a relatively small number of these publications specifically address gene by environment interactions (~20 publications in 2010). Please note that in the 2010 IACC ASD Portfolio Analysis Report, Environment and Gene-Environment are tracked separately, as these categories are distinguishable when applying a manual coding approach to research grant portfolios.
v NIH grant policy details.
vi Description of funder types: 1) Government includes all public funding (i.e., State, Federal, etc.), 2) Private includes non-profit/philanthropic organizations as well as for-profit industry, 3) University includes all universities, public and private, 4) Hospital includes all hospitals, public and private, 5) Public/private partnership includes funding sources that have significant governmental and private support.
vii Funding acknowledgments to pharmaceutical companies in the ScienceWire™ database were manually reviewed to determine whether an acknowledgment indicated direct funding support or a general conflict of interest. Acknowledgments that were deemed conflict of interest statements were not included in this analysis.
viii Seven publications only acknowledged funding from hospitals and universities. These are included in the total number of publications with funding acknowledgments (870), but not represented in the Venn diagram.
ix For ease of analysis and figure clarity, all non-US funders, government and private, were grouped together for funding overlap analyses.
x This group represents a combination of non-US government and non-US private funders.
xi More information on NIH's Autism Centers of Excellence can be found in the Biennial Report of the NIH Director, 2008-2009.
xii More state by state details on US health-related Federal research funding provided by the NIH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) can be found on the Research!America Website.
Appendix I: Methodology For Identifying ASD-Related Research Publications And Supplemental Primary Research Publication Counts
An automated keyword search was used to identify publications that contained the terms "autism," "autistic," "Asperger," or "pervasive developmental disorder" in the journal title, article title, article abstract or article keywords. Publications tagged with the MEDLINE MeSH terms "Asperger syndrome," "autistic disorder," or "child development disorders, pervasive" were also collected and classified as ASD-related. MeSH terms are only present for articles with records in MEDLINE.
The Thomson Reuters ScienceWire™ Publication Catalog, a central database that includes publication records for both the MEDLINE section of PubMed and the Thomson Reuters Web of Science® (WoS) was used for this keyword search. For instances in which publication records were identified in both the MEDLINE and WoS databases, a thorough de-duplication algorithm was applied to merge the two records into a single publication record. In cases for which the same record was identified in both databases and resolved to a single publication, WoS data were preferentially presented above MEDLINE data, with missing data points populated using MEDLINE, as available. Several data points are only available from WoS; therefore preferential usage of WoS data presents a more consistent set of data points for analysis. These data points include:
- Citation Counts
- Journal Subject Categories
- Keywords
In the rare instance that the data fields in the two databases were sufficiently different, the same publication may be present multiple times. For example, if a publication has the same title and journal, but different publication dates or authors listed in the two databases, these are reported as two separate publications. It is estimated that this may happen in approximately 1% or fewer of the publications.
MEDLINE and WoS have different indicators for document type. Whereas WoS assigns a single article type to a publication, MEDLINE may assign multiple article types. Publications were classified as primary research, secondary research or meeting abstract based on the general guidelines listed below.
- Publication records classified as "meeting abstract" in the WoS were excluded from this analysis because there was usually insufficient text to indicate a specific category.
- Secondary research articles included:
- All other articles were considered primary research.
Regardless of whether analyses included the combined categories of primary and secondary research publications or were restricted to primary research only, very similar trends and distributions of publication output across the Critical Question areas were observed. The following figures include only primary research publications and are companions to Figures 8-11 in the body of the report, which demonstrate combined primary and secondary research publication output. For example, Figure A-27 draws from the same data set as Figure 8; however, Figure A-27 plots primary research publication counts by Critical Question area, whereas Figure 8 plots the combined counts of primary and secondary research publications.
Growth in ASD Primary Research Publications by Critical Question Area, 1981 to 2010

Figure A-27. Growth in ASD Primary Research Publications by Critical Question Area, 1981 to 2010. The growth trends in primary research publication output by Critical Question areas of autism research over the past 30 years illustrate very similar patterns as Figure 8, which plots the combined output of primary and secondary research publications by Critical Question area. Each data point represents a five-year average of the number of annual autism publications.
Number and Fold Growth of ASD Primary Research Publications from 2000 to 2010

Figure A-28. Number and Fold Growth of ASD Primary Research Publications from 2000 to 2010. This figure illustrates number (top left) and fold growth (bottom right) of primary research publications within the Critical Question areas since 2000. Recent primary research publication growth trends are very similar to growth of combined primary and secondary research trends illustrated in Figure 9. Both show that while Biology maintains the largest proportion of publications, other areas are growing at least as quickly, including Infrastructure and Surveillance, Services, and Lifespan Issues.
Primary Research Publication Output and Trends in Subcategories of Autism Risk Factor Research

Figure A-29. Primary Research Publication Output and Trends in Subcategories of Autism Risk Factor Research. The pie graph (top) illustrates relative proportions of primary research articles published in 2010 in three subcategories of ASD Risk Factor research and the line graph (bottom) shows the increase in number of publications in each subcategory over time from 1980 to 2010. Similar to the distribution of both primary and secondary research publications illustrated in Figure 10, Genetic Risk Factors research had the greatest number and proportion of publications, followed by Environmental Risk Factors and then Epigenetics.
Primary Research Publication Output and Trends in Subcategories of Autism Treatments and Interventions Research

Figure A-30. Primary Research Publication Output and Trends in Subcategories of Autism Treatments and Interventions Research. The pie graph (top) illustrates relative proportions of primary research articles published in 2010 on seven subcategories of ASD Treatments and Interventions research and the line graph (bottom) shows the change in number of publications in each subcategory over time, from 1980 to 2010. Similar to the combined distribution of primary and secondary Treatments and Interventions research publications illustrated in Figure 11, the most prolific areas of primary research include Behavioral, Technology-Based Interventions and Supports, Medical/Pharmacological, and Educational interventions.
Table A-4. Web of Science® and MEDLINE Article Types Classified as Secondary Articles
- Web of Science®
- Review
- Book Review
- Database Review
- Hardware Review
- Software Review
- Art Exhibit Review
- Film Review
- Music Score Review
- Record Review
- Music Performance Review
- Theater Review
- TV Review, Radio Review, Video
- Dance Performance Review
- Addresses
- Bibliography
- Clinical Conference
- Comment
- Consensus Development Conference
- Consensus Development Conference, NIH
- Dictionary
- Directory
- Duplicate Publication
- Editorial
- Government Publications
- Guideline
- Interactive Tutorial
- Interview
- Introductory Journal Article
- Lectures
- Legal Cases
- Legislation
- Letter
- News
- Newspaper Article
- Overall
- Patient Education Handout
- Periodical Index
- Practice Guideline
- Published Erratum
- Retracted Publication
- Retraction of Publication
- Review
- Scientific Integrity Review
- Technical Report
- Congresses
- Historical Article
Table A-5. Journals in which All Publications Were Classified as Secondary Research
- American Family Physician
- American Psychologist
- Behavioral Healthcare
- Biology & Philosophy
- BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.)
- British Journal Of Hospital Medicine
- Cornell Law Review
- Cultural Studies
- Current Opinion in Psychiatry
- Current Opinion in Neurology
- Current Treatment Options In Neurology
- Dentistry Today
- Educational Leadership
- Exceptionality
- Expert Review Of Clinical Immunology
- F1000 Biology Reports
- Forum Der Psychoanalyse
- Healthcare Quarterly (Toronto, Ont.)
- Human Studies
- La Revue Du Praticien
- LÄKartidningen
- LaKartidningen
- Medical Hypotheses
- Mens Sana Monographs
- Mosaic-A Journal For The Interdisciplinary Study Of Literature
- Neuroforum
- Phenomenology And The Cognitive Sciences
- Philosophical Explorations
- Philosophical Quarterly
- PSN-Psychiatrie Sciences Humaines Neurosciences
- Psyche-Zeitschrift Fur Psychoanalyse Und Ihre Anwendungen
- Psychological Bulletin
- Rhetoric Society Quarterly
- Scientific American
- State Legislatures
- Studia Phaenomenologica
- The Harvard Mental Health Letter / From Harvard Medical School
- The Journal Of Medical Humanities
- The Pennsylvania Nurse
- The Practitioner
- Trends In Neurosciences
- University Of Toronto Quarterly
- Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
- Forbes
- Canadian Geographer-Geographe Canadien
- Revue Médicale Suisse
- School Nurse News
- Review Of Law And Social Change. New York University
- The American Psychologist
- Behavioral And Brain Sciences
- 11th International Conference On Control, Automation, Robotics And Vision (Icarcv 2010)
- 17th International Conference On Biomagnetism Advances In Biomagnetism - Biomag2010
- 2010 ACM Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- 2010 Annual International Conference Of The IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (EMBC)
- 2010 IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, And Signal Processing
- 2010 IEEE International Conference On Image Processing
- 2010 IEEE International Conference On Image Processing
- 2010 IEEE International Conference On Robotics And Automation (ICRA)
- 2010 International Joint Conference On Neural Networks IJCNN 2010
- Advances In Web-Based Learning-ICWL 2010
- ASSETS 2010: Proceedings Of The 12th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference On Computers And Accessibility
- CHI2010: Proceedings Of The 28th Annual CHI Conference On Human Factors In Computing Systems, Vols 1-4
- Computer Safety, Reliability, And Security
- Computers Helping People With Special Needs, Proceedings, Pt 2
- Conference On Environmental Pollution And Public Health, Vol 1-2
- Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2010
- Evolution Of Language, Proceedings
- Future Generation Information Technology
- IEEE Virtual Reality 2010, Proceedings
- International Conference On Learner Diversity 2010
- Medical Image Computing And Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2010, Pt I
- Photonic Therapeutics And Diagnostics VI
- Proceedings Of 2010 International Conference On Behavioral, Cognitive And Psychological Sciences
- Selected Topics In Applied Computer Science
- Ubicomp 2010: Proceedings Of The 2010 ACM Conference On Ubiquitous Computing
- WCPCG 2010
- XIV European Conference On Developmental Psychology (ECDP)
- ICIEA 2010: Proceedings Of The 5th IEEE Conference On Industrial Electronics And Applications, Vol 4
- Security-Enriched Urban Computing And Smart Grid
- Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation
Appendix II: Automated Categorization of ASD Publications (1980-2009)
Manual assignment of the more than 20,000 ASD related publications between the years of 1980 to 2009 to the seven IACC Strategic Plan Critical Question areas would have required significant effort and resources. As a proxy for this manual review, publications were assigned using the semi-automated k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm.
As a first step in this approach, subject matter experts reviewed all of the 2010 ASD publications and manually assigned them to different research areas and subcategories based on the titles and abstracts of the specific publication. ASD publications from 1980 to 2009 ("prior publications") were then categorized based on their similarity to the previously classified 2010 publications. Prior publications were compared to 2010 publications and assigned a similarity score based on a modified Okapi BM25 algorithm. These publications were assigned to the category of the mode of the 25 publications from 2010 with the highest similarity scores. This approach to categorize publications was chosen because of the performance as well as accuracy and ease of use. Initial tests for automated categorization using other algorithms including Naïve Bayesian, supervised Latent Dirichlet, Boosting and Tree algorithms, all showed accuracy of much less than 70%.
While some publications naturally span multiple research categories, each publication is assigned to only one category for ease of tracking and trend analyses. Using this approach errs on the side of potentially underestimating the volume of research in some categories.
Appendix III: Web of Science® Journal Subject Categories
Journal Subject Category: Journals indexed in Web of Science are manually assigned to a Journal Subject Category based on an assessment of the applicable research field. These subject categories are used in the Journal Citation Reports®. Under this scheme, journals may be classified under more than one of the over 270 subject categories, and a given journal may be assigned to multiple categories to reflect the diverse nature of literature it publishes. Every article within a given journal inherits the subject category of the journal itself. To establish an appropriate and informative comparison group, the current ASD publications analysis used Journal Subject Categories to identify publications that are similar in discipline to those within the ASD publication portfolio.
The distribution of ASD publications by Journal Subject Category is presented in Table A-6 below. These Journal Subject Categories were used to establish a baseline for comparing the growth of ASD publications since 1980. For this comparison, the total publications within these Journal Subject Categories in each year was multiplied by the total ASD publications in 1980, then divided by the total publications within the Journal Subject Categories in 1980. The resulting values indicate the expected number of ASD publications based on the rate of growth within the comparable Journal Subject Categories.
Table A-6. Comparison Group: Journal Subject Categories Comprising 75% of ASD Publications Since 1980
Deluxe Journal Subject Category | Number of ASD Related Publications | Percent of Total | Cumulative Percent |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryPsychology, Developmental |
Number of ASD Related Publications6,066 |
Percent of Total15% |
Cumulative Percent15% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryPsychiatry |
Number of ASD Related Publications5,470 |
Percent of Total13% |
Cumulative Percent28% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryNeurosciences |
Number of ASD Related Publications3,782 |
Percent of Total9% |
Cumulative Percent38% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryClinical Neurology |
Number of ASD Related Publications2,866 |
Percent of Total7% |
Cumulative Percent45% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryRehabilitation |
Number of ASD Related Publications2,627 |
Percent of Total6% |
Cumulative Percent51% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryPediatrics |
Number of ASD Related Publications2,251 |
Percent of Total6% |
Cumulative Percent57% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryGenetics & Heredity |
Number of ASD Related Publications1,963 |
Percent of Total5% |
Cumulative Percent62% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryEducation, Special |
Number of ASD Related Publications1,948 |
Percent of Total5% |
Cumulative Percent66% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryPsychology, Clinical |
Number of ASD Related Publications1,242 |
Percent of Total3% |
Cumulative Percent69% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryPsychology |
Number of ASD Related Publications1,037 |
Percent of Total3% |
Cumulative Percent72% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryBehavioral Sciences |
Number of ASD Related Publications901 |
Percent of Total2% |
Cumulative Percent74% |
Deluxe Journal Subject CategoryPsychology, Experimental |
Number of ASD Related Publications748 |
Percent of Total2% |
Cumulative Percent76% |
Appendix IV: Web of Science® Citation Data
Citation counts were used in Chapter Two to measure the impact and maturity of the autism research field as well as in Chapter Four to address the impact of collaborations. When appropriate, we used the average field-normalized citation count to ensure that the data were compared adequately between autism and other research fields.
Citations: The citation count is the number of times that a citation has been recorded for a given publication since it was published. Not all citations are recorded since not all publications are indexed. However, the material indexed by Thomson Reuters is estimated to attract about 95% of global citations. The two-year citation counts used in some of the current analyses include only those citations made within 730 days of publication. This limitation allows for comparison across publications that have had different lengths of time to accumulate citations.
Average normalized citation impact/count: Citation rates vary across research fields and from one time period to another. Consequently, analyses must take both field and year into account. In addition, the type of publication will influence the citation count. For this reason, only citation counts of papers of the same document type are used in calculations of citation impact. The standard normalization factor is the world average citations per paper for the year and journal category in which the paper was published. This normalization is also referred to as "rebasing" the citation count.
Appendix V: Full Funder List for 2010 ASD Publications
Funding Organization | Funder Type | Country of Origin | Distinct Publications Acknowledging Funding Organization |
Appendix VI: Country Co-Authorship Pairs in 2010 ASD Publications
[ Download Excel version of the table ]
Rank | Countries | Number of Publications |
Rank1 |
CountriesUnited Kingdom, United States |
Number of Publications40 |
Rank2 |
CountriesCanada, United States |
Number of Publications39 |
Rank3 |
CountriesItaly, United States |
Number of Publications26 |
Rank4 |
CountriesNetherlands, United States |
Number of Publications21 |
Rank5 |
CountriesAustralia, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications19 |
Rank5 |
CountriesFrance, United States |
Number of Publications19 |
Rank7 |
CountriesGermany, United States |
Number of Publications17 |
Rank7 |
CountriesNetherlands, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications17 |
Rank9 |
CountriesGermany, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications16 |
Rank10 |
CountriesAustralia, United States |
Number of Publications15 |
Rank10 |
CountriesCanada, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications15 |
Rank12 |
CountriesChina, United States |
Number of Publications14 |
Rank13 |
CountriesFrance, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications13 |
Rank13 |
CountriesSweden, United States |
Number of Publications13 |
Rank15 |
CountriesBelgium, Netherlands |
Number of Publications12 |
Rank15 |
CountriesCanada, France |
Number of Publications12 |
Rank15 |
CountriesGermany, Netherlands |
Number of Publications12 |
Rank15 |
CountriesIreland, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications12 |
Rank15 |
CountriesSpain, United States |
Number of Publications12 |
Rank15 |
CountriesSweden, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications12 |
Rank21 |
CountriesDenmark, United States |
Number of Publications10 |
Rank21 |
CountriesItaly, Netherlands |
Number of Publications10 |
Rank23 |
CountriesNew Zealand, United States |
Number of Publications9 |
Rank24 |
CountriesFrance, Germany |
Number of Publications8 |
Rank24 |
CountriesGermany, Italy |
Number of Publications8 |
Rank24 |
CountriesIsrael, United States |
Number of Publications8 |
Rank24 |
CountriesItaly, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications8 |
Rank28 |
CountriesBelgium, United States |
Number of Publications7 |
Rank28 |
CountriesFrance, Italy |
Number of Publications7 |
Rank28 |
CountriesFrance, Netherlands |
Number of Publications7 |
Rank28 |
CountriesItaly, New Zealand |
Number of Publications7 |
Rank28 |
CountriesKorea, Republic of, United States |
Number of Publications7 |
Rank28 |
CountriesPoland, United States |
Number of Publications7 |
Rank28 |
CountriesSwitzerland, United States |
Number of Publications7 |
Rank35 |
CountriesBelgium, France |
Number of Publications6 |
Rank35 |
CountriesBelgium, Germany |
Number of Publications6 |
Rank35 |
CountriesFrance, Sweden |
Number of Publications6 |
Rank35 |
CountriesIreland, United States |
Number of Publications6 |
Rank35 |
CountriesIsrael, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications6 |
Rank35 |
CountriesNorway, United States |
Number of Publications6 |
Rank35 |
CountriesTurkey, United States |
Number of Publications6 |
Rank42 |
CountriesAustralia, Canada |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesAustralia, France |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesAustralia, Germany |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesBelgium, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesCanada, Italy |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesIreland, Netherlands |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesIreland, Portugal |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesJapan, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesNorway, Sweden |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesNorway, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesPortugal, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesSpain, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank42 |
CountriesTaiwan, Province of China, United States |
Number of Publications5 |
Rank55 |
CountriesBelgium, Canada |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesCanada, Germany |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesCanada, Netherlands |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesCanada, Sweden |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesDenmark, Germany |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesDenmark, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesFinland, United States |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesGermany, Ireland |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesGreece, United States |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesItaly, Sweden |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesJapan, United States |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank55 |
CountriesNetherlands, Sweden |
Number of Publications4 |
Rank67 |
CountriesAustralia, Belgium |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesAustralia, Netherlands |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesAustralia, Sweden |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesBelgium, Denmark |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesBelgium, Italy |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesBrazil, United States |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesCanada, Ireland |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesDenmark, Netherlands |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesFrance, Ireland |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesGermany, Sweden |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesGreece, Italy |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesGreece, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesIndia, United States |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesIreland, Italy |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesItaly, Portugal |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesItaly, Spain |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesJapan, Russian Federation |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesNetherlands, New Zealand |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesNetherlands, Portugal |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesNew Zealand, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesPortugal, United States |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank67 |
CountriesSwitzerland, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications3 |
Rank89 |
CountriesAustralia, Italy |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesAustralia, New Zealand |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesAustria, Germany |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesAustria, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesAustria, United States |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesBelgium, Israel |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesBelgium, Sweden |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesBelgium, Switzerland |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesBrazil, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesCanada, Greece |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesCanada, Portugal |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesChile, United States |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesCzech Republic, United States |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesFrance, Greece |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesFrance, Norway |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesFrance, Portugal |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesFrance, Switzerland |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesGermany, Greece |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesGermany, Portugal |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesGermany, Spain |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesGermany, Switzerland |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesGreece, Ireland |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesGreece, Netherlands |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesGreece, Portugal |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesGreece, Sweden |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesHungary, Romania |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesIreland, Israel |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesIreland, Sweden |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesIsrael, Italy |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesItaly, Norway |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesJapan, Netherlands |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesPortugal, Sweden |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesRussian Federation, United States |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank89 |
CountriesThailand, United States |
Number of Publications2 |
Rank123 |
CountriesArgentina, Spain |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesAustralia, India |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesAustralia, Ireland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesAustralia, Israel |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesAustralia, Mexico |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesAustralia, Turkey |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesAustria, Belgium |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesAustria, Denmark |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesAustria, Netherlands |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBelgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBelgium, Brazil |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBelgium, Chile |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBelgium, Ireland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBelgium, Lithuania |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBelgium, Portugal |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBelgium, Spain |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBrazil, Canada |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBrazil, Netherlands |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBrazil, Russian Federation |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBrazil, Sweden |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesBrazil, Thailand |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCanada, Chile |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCanada, Egypt |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCanada, Iran, Islamic Republic of |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCanada, Israel |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCanada, Korea, Republic of |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCanada, Kuwait |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCanada, Pakistan |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCanada, Romania |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCanada, Spain |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCanada, Switzerland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesChile, Germany |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesChile, Israel |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesChile, Italy |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesChina, Finland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesChina, Japan |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesChina, Spain |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesChina, Turkey |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCroatia, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCroatia, United States |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCzech Republic, France |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCzech Republic, Italy |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesCzech Republic, Poland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesDenmark, France |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesDenmark, Ireland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesDenmark, Israel |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesDenmark, Norway |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesDenmark, Portugal |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesDenmark, Slovenia |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesDenmark, Spain |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesDenmark, Sweden |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesDenmark, Switzerland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesEgypt, Switzerland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesFinland, Germany |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesFinland, Italy |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesFinland, Netherlands |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesFinland, Norway |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesFinland, Sweden |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesFinland, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesFrance, India |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesFrance, Japan |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesFrance, Taiwan, Province of China |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesFrance, Tunisia |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesGermany, India |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesGermany, Israel |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesGermany, Japan |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesHungary, Japan |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesHungary, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesHungary, United States |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesIceland, Norway |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesIceland, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesIceland, United States |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesIndia, Japan |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesIndia, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesIran, Islamic Republic of, United States |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesIreland, Spain |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesIsrael, Netherlands |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesIsrael, Spain |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesIsrael, Switzerland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesItaly, Japan |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesItaly, Korea, Republic of |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesItaly, Russian Federation |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesItaly, Switzerland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesJapan, Korea, Republic of |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesJapan, New Zealand |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesJapan, Poland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesKorea, Republic of, Russian Federation |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesLithuania, Netherlands |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesLithuania, Portugal |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesMexico, United States |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesNetherlands, Spain |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesNetherlands, Switzerland |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesPakistan, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesPoland, United Kingdom |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesPortugal, Spain |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesSaudi Arabia, South Africa |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesSaudi Arabia, United States |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesSingapore, United States |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesSlovenia, United States |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesSpain, Sweden |
Number of Publications1 |
Rank123 |
CountriesSpain, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
Number of Publications1 |
Appendix VII: 2010 ASD Publication Counts by Country
[ Download Excel version of the table ]
Author Country | Primary Research Publications | Secondary Research Publications | Total Publications |
Author CountryUnited States |
Primary Research Publications791 |
Secondary Research Publications249 |
Total Publications1040 |
Author CountryUnited Kingdom |
Primary Research Publications227 |
Secondary Research Publications60 |
Total Publications287 |
Author CountryCanada |
Primary Research Publications107 |
Secondary Research Publications30 |
Total Publications137 |
Author CountryNetherlands |
Primary Research Publications81 |
Secondary Research Publications16 |
Total Publications97 |
Author CountryItaly |
Primary Research Publications65 |
Secondary Research Publications21 |
Total Publications86 |
Author CountryFrance |
Primary Research Publications65 |
Secondary Research Publications13 |
Total Publications78 |
Author CountryAustralia |
Primary Research Publications64 |
Secondary Research Publications21 |
Total Publications85 |
Author CountryGermany |
Primary Research Publications64 |
Secondary Research Publications9 |
Total Publications73 |
Author CountryJapan |
Primary Research Publications63 |
Secondary Research Publications6 |
Total Publications69 |
Author CountrySweden |
Primary Research Publications51 |
Secondary Research Publications8 |
Total Publications59 |
Author CountryTurkey |
Primary Research Publications32 |
Secondary Research Publications2 |
Total Publications34 |
Author CountryIsrael |
Primary Research Publications30 |
Secondary Research Publications5 |
Total Publications35 |
Author CountryChina |
Primary Research Publications27 |
Secondary Research Publications4 |
Total Publications31 |
Author CountryBelgium |
Primary Research Publications25 |
Secondary Research Publications4 |
Total Publications29 |
Author CountrySpain |
Primary Research Publications25 |
Secondary Research Publications4 |
Total Publications29 |
Author CountryIreland |
Primary Research Publications23 |
Secondary Research Publications2 |
Total Publications25 |
Author CountryTaiwan, Province of China |
Primary Research Publications19 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications20 |
Author CountryNorway |
Primary Research Publications18 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications19 |
Author CountryDenmark |
Primary Research Publications18 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications19 |
Author CountryPoland |
Primary Research Publications16 |
Secondary Research Publications5 |
Total Publications21 |
Author CountryBrazil |
Primary Research Publications15 |
Secondary Research Publications4 |
Total Publications19 |
Author CountryKorea, Republic of |
Primary Research Publications14 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications14 |
Author CountryIndia |
Primary Research Publications11 |
Secondary Research Publications6 |
Total Publications17 |
Author CountrySwitzerland |
Primary Research Publications11 |
Secondary Research Publications5 |
Total Publications16 |
Author CountryNew Zealand |
Primary Research Publications11 |
Secondary Research Publications3 |
Total Publications14 |
Author CountryPortugal |
Primary Research Publications11 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications12 |
Author CountryRussian Federation |
Primary Research Publications9 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications10 |
Author CountryFinland |
Primary Research Publications9 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications9 |
Author CountryGreece |
Primary Research Publications8 |
Secondary Research Publications2 |
Total Publications10 |
Author CountryIran, Islamic Republic of |
Primary Research Publications6 |
Secondary Research Publications4 |
Total Publications10 |
Author CountryEgypt |
Primary Research Publications6 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications6 |
Author CountryAustria |
Primary Research Publications5 |
Secondary Research Publications2 |
Total Publications7 |
Author CountryCroatia |
Primary Research Publications4 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications5 |
Author CountryCzech Republic |
Primary Research Publications4 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications5 |
Author CountrySaudi Arabia |
Primary Research Publications4 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications5 |
Author CountryChile |
Primary Research Publications4 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications5 |
Author CountryHungary |
Primary Research Publications4 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications4 |
Author CountryMexico |
Primary Research Publications4 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications4 |
Author CountryRomania |
Primary Research Publications3 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications3 |
Author CountrySlovakia |
Primary Research Publications3 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications3 |
Author CountrySouth Africa |
Primary Research Publications3 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications3 |
Author CountryIceland |
Primary Research Publications3 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications3 |
Author CountrySingapore |
Primary Research Publications2 |
Secondary Research Publications2 |
Total Publications4 |
Author CountryThailand |
Primary Research Publications2 |
Secondary Research Publications2 |
Total Publications4 |
Author CountryTunisia |
Primary Research Publications2 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications3 |
Author CountrySlovenia |
Primary Research Publications1 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications1 |
Author CountryPakistan |
Primary Research Publications1 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications1 |
Author CountryVenezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
Primary Research Publications1 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications1 |
Author CountryBahrain |
Primary Research Publications1 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications1 |
Author CountryNigeria |
Primary Research Publications1 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications1 |
Author CountryLithuania |
Primary Research Publications1 |
Secondary Research Publications0 |
Total Publications1 |
Author CountryArgentina |
Primary Research Publications0 |
Secondary Research Publications3 |
Total Publications3 |
Author CountrySerbia & Montenegro |
Primary Research Publications0 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications1 |
Author CountryColombia |
Primary Research Publications0 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications1 |
Author CountryMalaysia |
Primary Research Publications0 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications1 |
Author CountryKuwait |
Primary Research Publications0 |
Secondary Research Publications1 |
Total Publications1 |
Appendix VIII: Methodology for Calculating World Share of Autism Research Publications
Publications are counted on a "whole-count basis," where each collaborating country on a given publication was credited one count. For example, if there are three authors listed on a publication, two from the US and one from UK, the publication would be counted twice, once for the US and once for the UK. To determine the country's annual share, each country's count is divided by the total number of publications in that year. This method shows the full contribution of each country without penalizing for international collaboration.
An alternative method is the fractional approach, where each participating country receives a fraction of the count. Using this approach would be appropriate for other types of analyses in which the purpose is to highlight countries that publish singly versus those that publish mainly as a result of international collaborations. A fractional approach would show a lower volume for countries that publish only collaboratively and would not accurately reflect the total number of publications from each country as intended in the current analysis. In 2010, approximately 20% of ASD research articles result from international collaborations, and the whole count methodology works well for the ASD field at its current stage, but in the future, if the field becomes increasingly collaborative across international borders, the fractional count method may be more useful.
Copyright Information
All material appearing in this report is in the public domain and may be reproduced, copied, or used in presentations and publications. A suggested citation follows.
Suggested Citation
Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC), National Institute of Mental Health and Thomson Reuters, Inc. on behalf of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC). IACC/OARC Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Publications Analysis Report: The Global Landscape of Autism Research. July 2012. Retrieved from the Department of Health and Human Services Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee website: