Portfolio Analysis Report
IACC Autism Spectrum Disorder Research
The 13 stakeholders that were included in this analysis contributed a total of $314,385,374 across 995 ASD research projects in 2009 (Table 3).
2009 ASD Research Funding by Agency/Organization
Funding Agency/Organization* | Number of Projects | Total Funding |
Funding Agency/Organization*National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Number of Projects516 |
Total Funding$196,589,824 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Simons Foundation (SF) | Number of Projects98 |
Total Funding$51,526,058 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Autism Speaks (AS) | Number of Projects220 |
Total Funding$23,416,615 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | Number of Projects28 |
Total Funding$19,229,994 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) | Number of Projects9 |
Total Funding$8,097,807 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Department of Defense (DoD) | Number of Projects43 |
Total Funding$7,185,010* |
Funding Agency/Organization*Department of Education (ED) | Number of Projects11 |
Total Funding$6,317,029 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) | Number of Projects29 |
Total Funding$850,594 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Autism Research Institute (ARI) | Number of Projects15 |
Total Funding$370,382 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Organization for Autism Research (OAR) | Number of Projects14 |
Total Funding$330,000 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center (SARRC) | Number of Projects5 |
Total Funding$285,000 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Autism Science Foundation (ASF) | Number of Projects6 |
Total Funding$180,000 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) | Number of Projects1 |
Total Funding$7,061 |
Funding Agency/Organization*Grand Total | Number of Projects995 |
Total Funding$314,385,374 |
*Funding for the DoD includes all ASD funding for 2009, as well as $1,734,909 of 2008 ASD research funding that was not reported in the 2008 Portfolio Analysis.
Table 3. The table lists the total funding provided by the agencies and organizations included in the Portfolio Analysis and the number of projects funded. Please note that the NIH figure includes both ARRA ($64 million) and non-ARRA ($132 million) funding. Together, the agencies and organizations funded 995 projects in 2009, representing an overall investment of $314 million.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) was the leading contributor of funding for ASD research in 2009 with a total of $196,589,824 funding 516 projects. This funding included both NIH-ARRA ($63,968,992) and non‑ARRA funding ($132,620,832). Non‑ARRA funding accounted for 67% of total NIH funding for 2009 and supported 375 projects, whereas NIH‑ARRA funding accounted for 33% and supported 141 projects. The Simons Foundation was the second largest funder of ASD research, supporting 98 projects totaling $51,526,058. Autism Speaks ranked third in funding with $23,416,615 allocated across 220 projects.
Comparing Federal versus private funding for ASD research in 2009, the Federal government provided 76% ($237,426,725) of the total ASD research budget (Figure 1). Private organizations funded 24% ($76,958,649) of ASD research in 2009. In total, the Federal government supported 608 ASD research projects and private organizations funded 387 projects. In 2009, while private funding remained close to 2008 levels (approximately $78.5 million in 2008 and $77 million in 2009), Federal funding was significantly increased due to the large contribution of approximately $64 million in NIH-ARRA funding (Figure 3), as well as an increase in Federal agencies' funding of autism research using base annually appropriated funding (approximately $144 million in 2008 and $173 million in 2009).
Of the approximate $240 million in Federal ASD research funds distributed in 2009, 27% was provided by NIH-ARRA (Figure 3).
Impact of NIH-ARRA on Federal ASD Research Funding in 2009
(Total Federal funding = $237,426,725)

Figure 3. Seventy-three percent of the $237,426,725 distributed for ASD research by the Federal government in 2009 was provided from sources other than NIH-ARRA, while the remaining 27% of Federal funding was from NIH‑ARRA.