
This page includes events, webinars, and other presentations on COVID-19 that are tailored towards the autism and disability communities.
- 2021
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Office of National Autism Coordination
The Federal Response to COVID-19: Addressing the Needs of the Autism and Disability Communities
April 28, 2021This event featured presentations from the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, U.S. Department of Education, and U.S. Department of Labor on issues related to health, education, and employment for people with disabilities during the pandemic. Presentations were followed by discussions with leaders from the autism advocacy community.
The Federal Response to COVID-19: Addressing the Needs of the Autism and Disability Communities
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Office of National Autism Coordination
Private and Non-ProfitLink Disclaimer
- 2022
- Autistic Self Advocacy Network
The Pandemic is Not Over: Understanding the new CDC COVID-19 Community Levels Tool
May 12, 2022This webinar explains the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new COVID-19 Community Levels tool. ASAN defines community level, talks about community transmission, and explains how to stay safe. More information about this webinar can be found here.
The Pandemic is Not Over: Understanding the new CDC COVID-19 Community Levels Tool
- Autistic Self Advocacy Network
- 2021
- Autism Speaks
COVID-19 Related Events
October 2020 - May 2021Autism Speaks hosted several events on COVID-19 and autism. This page has recordings of these events, which include webinars on COVID-19 vaccines and the needs of the autism community during the pandemic.
COVID-19 Related Events
- Simons Foundation/SPARK
Webinar: Autistic Adults and COVID-19
March 24, 2021Vanessa Bal, Ph.D, a psychologist from Rutgers University, discusses her recently published findings from a study on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected autistic adults enrolled in SPARK. She also answers questions about the study, as well as general questions about mental health and autism.
Webinar: Autistic Adults and COVID-19
- Autism Speaks
- 2020
- American Psychological Association (APA)
Caring for children and adolescents with autism during COVID-19
April 3, 2020In this video, experts from the APA and Autism Speaks answer questions and provide advice for parents and caregivers of children and adolescents as they continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists included Arianna Esposito, B.C.B.A., M.B.A., Director, Lifespan Services and Support, Autism Speaks; Sigan Hartley, Ph.D., Human Development and Family Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Russ Shilling, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, American Psychological Association.
Caring for children and adolescents with autism during COVID-19
- Autism Society
Facebook Live: Coronavirus Information Series
March - October 2020In 2020 the Autism Society launched a Facebook Live series to provide COVID-19 information for the autism community. The series included experts who discussed specific topics such as mental health, federal emergency funding, and continuing education at home. Autism Society also partnered with myHana, an organization providing educational programming support for caretakers, to co-host a second Facebook Live series. Additional videos can be found on Autism Society’s Facebook page.
Facebook Live: Coronavirus Information Series
- Simons Foundation/SPARK
Webinar: Advocating for Your Child During the COVID-19 Pandemic
August 19, 2020Gary Mayerson, J.D., discusses his new book, Autism’s Declaration of Independence, Navigating Autism in the Age of Uncertainty, and shares information and tips on how to get the most out of remote learning. He also shares information about how to shape your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Webinar: Advocating for Your Child During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- American Psychological Association (APA)